The Post-Star from Glens Falls, New York (2024)

a a a a a a THE POST-STAR, GLENS FALLS, N. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1947 Hudson Falls TO RETURN SEALED VERDICT IN JOINT ACTION Supreme Court Hears mony on Auto Accident on Route 4 in August jury in the companion actiotse of Thomas J. Doerr, an infant, by Leo F. Doerr, his guardian, Leo F. Doerr, Theresa A.

Doerr and Leo F. Doerr against Harold Belden and Arthur Belden which opened Monday afternoon in Washington County Supreme Court at the Hudson Falls Court House with Justice Andrew W. Ryan of Plattsburg presiding, was instructed at the of the litigation yesterday afternoon to bring in a sealed verdict with the opening of court at 10 A. M. today.

The jury retired at 4:15 P. M. The are seeking to recover substantial sums as the result of an' automobile accident which occurred in the early evening of Aug. 20, 1946. on the Hudson FallsKingsbury highway' in front of the Twin Spruce Cabins, a -short distance north of Hudson Falls.

As the result of the accident, Mrs. Doerr was severely injured, it is contended, and Thomas J. Doerr, the 13-year-old son, sustained an to his knee. Give Accident Versions The defendant in the action was driving north in the car belonging to his father, Arthur Belden of Fort Ann. He was traveling approximately 40 miles an hour, he testified, when the accident occurred.

Mr. and Mrs. Doerr, residents of Rochester, were proceeding south, and evidence indicated that their car was about to enter the driveway to the Twin Spruce Cabins when the cars collided. Mr. Belden testified that he applied his brakes about 100 feet south of the scene of the accident and turned his car to the right off the pavement.

Mrs. Doerr, who received ment by a Hudson Falls physician, was given medical service upon returning to her home in Rochester. The witnesses included Thomas J. Doerr, Mrs. Theresa 'A.

Doerr, Leo F. Doerr and Almond Bartholomew for the plaintiffs. Harold Belden was on the stand in the afternoon, and testified at length as to his version of the accident. The jurors hearing the case are Betty Hebron, Mrs. Rita Edgar Aldous, of Granville, Mrs.

Lesson of Greenwich, George L. White Granville, James Hass dr Fort Edward, Howard Wood of Kingsbury, Charles Baker of Greenwich, Harvey Bulson of Hartford, George Lundy of Hartford, Horatio Monroe of Easton, Benjamin Oddy of Fort Edward and Charles Butterfield of Kingsbury. The firm of Wein and Greenberg of Glens Falls represent the plaintiffs while District Attorney J. Clarence Herlihy of that city appears for the defendant. the day calendar are the acbert Chickering and Donald Rufus tions of Robert Perkins VS.

Albert Donald and Alec Adamson vs. AlChickering and A Donald Rufus McMcDonald, companion cases; Theodore R. Durham, as administrator of Glen T. Durham vs. Robert L.

Perkins; Frank Dines vs. Patsey and John Salustri; Mildred B. Jacobie vs. Byron E. Miner; Frederick Ablett vs.

Grand Union Company; the Grand Union against Richard Garrand. companion cases; Elizabeth Ward Victore, LeClaire and Arnold McGrouty. Indications are that the term will not come to a close until Friday afternoon. LEAGUE HEARS LECTURE The Young Woman's Service League of the Presbyterian Church at a recent meeting at the church listened to an illustrated lecture by Maurice C. Whitney of Glens Falls.

The hostess committee included Mrs. Benjamin Morgan, Miss Betty Cornell, Mrs. Richard Cornell, Mrs. Rexford Magee and Mrs. John Lauren.

More than 50 attended. Refreshments were served. RETURNS HOME The Rev. Lyman S. Ward has returned to his home at Camp Hill, and Mr.

and Mrs. E. Daniel Smith have returned to Mt. Pleasant, following a short stay with Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Yenner, Rogers Street. They were called here by the illness and death. of Alfred H. Smiths of Smiths Basin. K.

C. TOURNEY TONIGHT The pinochle teams of Hudson Falls Council, Knights of Columbus, will resume their tournament at 8 this evening at the Home in Main Street. Refreshments will be served. GEMS CLASS TO MEET The Gems Class of the Methodist Church will meet at this evening at the home of Miss Stella MacMullen, River Street. UNION WILL MEET The Union Paper Bag Makers, Local 23, will meet at 8 P.

M. tomorrow at Masonic Temple. FOR SALE 2 lots in new development between Pearl and Elm Hudson Falls. Will show them; no obligation. Ing.

4-4259 after 6 P. M. week days and Sat. Sun. Brand New No.

92 MIMEOGRAPH Suitable for large office, church, school, or factory use, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. $575 Dial 4-4020 FREEBERN PRESS GENERAL PRINTING of Every Description Fort Edward Two Students to Participate In Montreal Music Festival Roy Borrowman and Brooks Til-, lotson, students in the instrumental department of the Fort Edward High School, will leave for Montreal this afternoon to take part in the International Music Festival. The three-day festival, in which more than 11,000 boys and girls are expected to take the largest program of its type ever sponsored in this hemisphere. The final evening, Saturday, the festival will Parish Will Dedicate War Memorial May 30 A memorial shrine to the men of St. Joseph's Parish who served in World War II and to those who lost their lives in that conflict will be dedicated Memorial Day, it has been announced by the pastor, the Rev.

Father John Fox. A crucifix with wayside roof; similar to the Shrines commonly seen along the highways in Europe, will be erected on the lawn between the church and the rectory, The shrine will be 18. feet high and the body of the Corpus, five feet high, will be made of limestone granite, The Cross will be constructed dE solid oak and the entire will be protected by a little shingled roof on either side. The numerals 325 on the staff will indicate the number of of the parish who served in the last war while the names of the 14 men of the parish who lost their lives during that war will be placed on a bronze plate on the memorial. The shrine will be unveiled and dedicated at a ceremony during the morning of Memorial Day.

Entertains for Husband Mrs. John Germain, River Road, gave a dinner party Sunday at her home in honor of the birthday anniversary of her husband. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Merl McDonald and children, Ronald and Virginia, Mr.

and Mrs. Alexis Nadeau and daughter, Shawn Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sanders, Mr. and Mrs.

John Shea and children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nadeau, Mr. and, Mrs. Leo Chism and daughter, Jocie NAME SON The son born Monday in Glens Falls Hospital to Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Cronkhite, 9 Washington Street, has been. named William Woolsey. Mrs. Cronkhite is the former Andree Duclos of Toulouse.

France. Mr. Cronkhite is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. Cronkhite, 20 Riverside, this village. 87 YEARS OLD Mr. and Mrs. J.

Irvin Kinne, 11 Eddy Street, are both observing an 87th birthday anniversary this week. Mrs. Kinne celebrated hers Sunday and Mr. Kinne will reach that milestone on Friday. Many friends of the couple visited the home Sunday to offer congratulations to the couple.

TO RECEIVE DEGREES Ca Candidates for the first and second degrees of the Knights of Columbus will meet at the Council home in Broadway at 7 P. M. Friday to go to Glens Falls where the degrees will be conferred. TO MEET SATURDAY Past Noble Grands Asso10 will meet Saturday at M. at the Christina Rebekah in Ballston SCREEN ATTRACTIONS District Attorney" and Heaven" are the two film showing today at the Fort Theatre.

INVITED TO DINNER Past presidents of Fort Edward Unit, 1133, American Legion Auxiliary, have been invited by the past presidents of Glens Falls unit to attend dinner in the Village Inn, South Glens. Falls, tomorrow. NAME OMITTED The name of Judy was omitted from the list of ushers recently announced for the Gertrude Gilman recital Friday evening in the Methodist Church. SERVICE TONIGHT The mid-week prayer service in the Methodist Church will be held at 7:30 tonight. BAPTIST EVENT LISTED A prayer service will be conducted at 7:30 tonight in the Village Baptist Church.

EXTINGUISH GRASS FIRE Fort Edward firemen answered an alarm for a grass fire' on Upper Broadway yesterday afternoon. MASONS TO MEET Fort Edward Chapter, 171, R. A. will meet at 8 P. M.

tomorrow in Masonic Temple. Kingsbury Grange Presents Program At a meeting of Kingsbury Grange conducted Friday evening at Grange Hall, Burgoyne Avenue, plans were considered for the conferring of the first and second degrees on a class of candidates. The date is expected to be May 2. The guest speaker was the Rev. Charles Chamberlain of Glens Falls and the lecturer's hour was led by Mrs.

E. Farley and Miss Charlotte Dunsmore. Group singing was directed by the Rev. Mr. Chamberlain and vocal selections, "Anniversary Song" and "Because" were offered Miss Joyce Varney of Glens Falls.

The Men's Choir, comprising Nathan G. Dickinson, Frank L. Cote, Harris Woodco*ck and James N. Pincheon, offered selections. The birthdays of the members born in April were obesrved.

Those honored were Mrs. Charles Dunsmore and Alden Mead. Miss Norma Wakely and Paul Wakely offered a recreational number. South Glens Falls Entertain for Son Mr. and Mrs.

Bernard McCabe entertained at their home in 9 Ferry. Boulevard Saturday evening st a party in honor of their son, Bernard, popularly known AS "Mike," on his 20th birthday anniversary. The home was decorated in white and blue. Games were played and refreshments served. The honor guest received many gifts.

Among those who attended were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gordon, the Misses Margaret Shattuck; Peggy McCarthy, Jane Munger, Carol Lyons, Marilyn Trombley, Lorraine Wichser. and Roma Rollo and Thomas: Conquist, Lewis Bennett, Jesse Maffuid, Nick Orsipi, Ray VanTassel, Richard Dickinson and Robert McCabe. LEGION PLANS FOR VISITATIONS Commander Walter Clatworthy of Mohican Post, 553, American Legion, has announced that tickets are now available for the banquet and visitation to the Saratoga County Organization of Department Commander Earl Hitchco*ck and Department Isobel Powers, which will be held at Newman's Lake House at 7:30 P.

M. It is necessary that all reservations be made not later than Friday. Members wishing to attend may contact Commander Clatworthy or make reservations at a meeting Friday evening. At a recent meeting of Mohican Post it was decided to sponsor the King Reed Carnival Shows the week of May 5 to 12. The carnival will be shown on the Binch Show Grounds near the South Glens Falls village limits on the Saratoga Road.

It is necessary that several workers be available each evening of the week and members who desire to volunteer their services for one or more evenings should leave their name and the nights they wish to work at Betar's barber shop or contact Commander Clatworthy. The proceeds of the carnival will be placed in the post building fund. Miss Margaret Puhaida Bride of Emrys Lewis, Jr. Miss Margaret Puhaida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Steve Puhaida, of Kingsbury was married Saturday noon to Emrys Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emrys Lewis, of 117 John Street, this village. The double ring ceremony was performed in St. Mary's Rectory by the Rev.

John Mea. The bride wore white satin and 1 marquisette gown designed with high neckline and lace, satin bodice and hoop skirt with train. She wore a finger-tip French illusion falling from a rhinestone headdress and carried white roses. Miss Helen Puhaida, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore yellow marquisette gown and her headdress was a yellow train of flowers with veil.

Richard Roberts. of Granville, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. 6 The bride's mother wore a navy blue dress with black accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a black suit with black accessories. Their corsages were of red roses.

A reception for 100 friends and relatives took place at the the bride's parents. Don Curtis' orchestra played for dancing. Mrs. Lewis is a graduate of Hudson Falls High School, class of 1945. She is secretary to Attorney Francis W.

DeCamilla. Mr. Lewis is a graduate of Hudson Falls High School, class of 1945, and is a veteran of World War II, serving with the Navy. He is employed by the Sandy Hill Iron and Brass Works. The bride's gift to her maid of honor was a string of pearls.

The best man received a tie pin and clasp from the bridegroom. For going away the bride wore a Kelly green suit, white feathered hat and blac kaccessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Following an auto trip to Newport, R. I. the couple will be at home at 123 Main Street, Hudson Falls after April 27.

The bride was entertained at showers by Mrs. Richard Roberts, Mrs. Emrys Lewis, and Mrs. Steve Puhaida, Sr. RUBINSTEIN IS CONVICTED NEW YORK, April 22.

(P)-Serge Rubinstein, 39-year-old international financier, was convicted tonight by a federal court jury on charges of draft evasion. Letters Are Issued to Widow In $75,000 Moynihan Estate SARATOGA SPRINGS James H. Moynihan, South Glens Falls. coal dealer, left an estate estimated at $50,000 in personal property and real estate valued at $25,000 according to a petition upon which letters of administration have been issued by Surrogate George O. Tuck.

The letters have to his widow, Mary A. Moynihan, who a sister of the deceased, Ella Moynihan, are the only heirs at law. Letters of administration have been issued to the widow in the $5,500 estate of Cornelius M. Cronin, late of Moreau, by Surrogate Tuck. Byron Bernard Weldy, who conducted the Excelsior Spring Hotel here, left, his estate, valued at "exceding $5,000" in real estate and "exceeding $5,000" in personal property to his wife, Susan, who is named executrix.

Letters. of administration in the estate of Arthur E. Blanchard, late of this city, have been issued to a son, Robert D. Blanchard, the estate valued at $10,000 in personal 1 property and $6,500 in real estate. Life use of real property on Circular Street is left to a daughter, Rose S.

Goldberg, and her husband. Samuel Goldbert, who now I conducts the Ro-Ed Mansion there, Engaged to Village Man Mr. and Mrs. S. Sfair of San Antonio, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Adele Sfair to Phillip Kory, son of Seraphim Kory and the late Mrs.

Olga Kory, of 12 Hudson Street, this village. The wedding will take place in the near future. Mr. Kory, at present employed as a drygoods salesman, served with the Army in the South Pacific and Japan. Now in.

Texas, he expects to visit his home here in the near future, Friends Sponsor Film Village Is Pleased With Return of Pastor- Hudson Falls residents generally and the members of the Methodist Church in particular were pleased to learn yesterday morning that the Rev. Ruford B. Cook has been returned to the local church for another year. The Rev. Mr.

Cook succeeded the Rev. Harvey. F. Connor, now of Springfield, Vt. During his stay in Hudson Falls he has made many friends.

The church, under his leadership, has increased in membership and a spiritual growth has been experienced. MASONS CONFER DEGREE ON NINE communication of Sandy Hill Lodge, 372, F. and A. Jast night candidates received the degree of Master Mason. E.

Avery Bullen, eminent sir of Calvery Commandery 69, Knights Templar, acting as master of the lodge, conferred the degree: He was assisted by James L. Malone as senior warden; Harry T. Cornell, junior warden; Herbert A. Belden, senior deacon; L. Lewis Hackendorn, junior deacon; Henry E.

O'Neill, senior master of ceremony; Leroy Battershall, junior master of ceremony; Charles N. VanTrump, chaplain; E. Arthur Nelson, secretary. The following members of the Commandery also assisted in the work: E. B.

Right, C. A. Hall, F. W. Sexton, A.

R. Moore, N. J. Bruso, W. H.

Palmer, R. W. Rennie and C. F. Stevens.

A steak dinner was served in the banquet hall preceding the degree work. Philathea Class to Meet The Senior Philathea Class will conduct its annual meeting at 7:30 P. M. tomorrow at the home of Mrs. John Lynes, Maple Street.

Mrs. Lynes will be the devotional leader, Miss Helen Ferris, social chairman, and Mrs. Paul H. Wilcox will be in charge of the program. The annual meeting of the church will take place Friday evening, May 2, at the church.

Officers will be elected and reports of the various societies will be made. LIGHT BEARERS ELECT Miss Barbara Dickinson has been elected president of the Light. Bearers Class of the Presbyterian Church, Other officers named are Miss Paula Abel, vice president; Miss Gay Dillmore, secretary; Miss Spanne Eagle, treasurer; Miss Betty Ives, planist; Miss Phyllis Simonetta, chairman of the program committee; Miss Phyllis McCullough, chairman of the membership committee; Miss Laura Marshall, chairman of the lockout committee; Miss Kay Van Derwerker, reporter. RETURNS TO Mrs. James Yarter, formerly of Maple Street, this village, has returned to Buffalo after being called here to attend the funeral of her aunt, Mrs.

Martha Parker. While here Mrs. Yarter visited her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Meneely, Maple Street.

The Senior Philathea Class PHILATHEA UNIT TO MEET. Baptist Church will meet at 7:30 P. M. tomorrow at the home of Mrs. John G.

Lynes, Maple Street. Mrs. Lynes will be the devotional leader and Miss Helen Ferris will be the social chairman. Mrs. Paul H.

Wilcox will be in charge of the program. TAKEN TO HOME Elmer Jordan, an employe of the street department of the village, suffering from a leg ailment, was taken yesterday morning to his home in John Street by Sergeant of Police Gerald Rivers. AMARANTH MEETS TOMORROW Queen Elizabeth Court, 11, Order of the Amaranth, will meet at 8 P. M. tomorrow at Masonic Temple with Mrs.

Mildred Vaughn, matron, presiding. GEMS CLASS TO MEET The Gems Class of the Methodist Church will meet at 7 this evening at the home of Miss Stella MacMullen, River Street. V.F.W. WOMEN TO MEET The Auxiliary, to Mayotte-MacNaughton Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet at 8 this evening at Masonic Temple. Mrs.

Frances Shanahan, the newly installed president, will preside. LAYING SIDEWALK The County Highway Department yesterday morning started laying a concrete walk in front of the court house and extending southerly to the Baptist Church. RECOVERING FROM ILLNESS Peter Cooper, who has been ill for several weeks at his home on the Vaughn Road, is recovering. ENTERS NURSING HOME Mrs. Alta Heath, 85 Hudson Avenue, South Glens Falls, has been admitted to the Bromley Nursing Home in Lower Oak Street.

PERSONALS Jerry W. Havens has returned to his studies at Champlain College, Plattsburg, after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Havens, Lower Oak Street.

Pic. Ronald Boisselle of Scott Field, is spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boiselle, Olive Street. Howard Sutliff has returned to his studies at Colgate University, Hamilton, following a visit with his mother, Mrs.

Leroy Sutliff, Kingsbury. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zeller have returned to Schenectady after visiting Mrs. Zeller's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. John Place, Oak Street. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mills, following a visit with Mrs.

Mills' parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Reeves, Oak Street, returned yesterday to their home in Thomaston, Conn. FAVOR BUYING OF SCHOOL BUSES Voters of Central School District towns of Moreau, Northumberland and Wilton, voted in favor of a proposition to purchase school buses at a cost not to exceed $15,000 by a margin of 117 in favor to 101 against, The election was conducted yesterday from 4-P. M.

to 8 P. M. at the South Glens Palls High School. The proposal to construct and equip a school bus garage estimated to cost $60,000 was rejected by vote of 127 against to 96 in favor. Statements issued at the election indicated that the purchase of the buses would necessitate a tax rate of 27 cents per $1,000 valuation, and the proposed bus garage, a tax rate of 26 cents.

per $1,000 valuation. At a recent public meeting of the Board of. Education conducted at the high school Supervising Principal La Verne A. Norton explained the urgent need for a bus garage and also outlined the plans for the development of school: transportation facilities. Architect Milton L.

Crandell also spoke briefly stating that while conditions in the building field were still unsettled, there were indications of improvement and that it would be desirable to proceed with preparation of the final plans and specifications for the bus garage so that bids might be received on the project, Since the voters have approved the proposition authorizing the purchase of additional transportation equipment, the problems of housing this equipment is more acute than ever because garage facilities are not available in the district. The vote cast was so light that the Board of Education is giving immediate consideration to the resubmitting of the proposition to construct a bus garage to the voters at an early date. To Address Civic Club The Moreau. Civic Club will meet Friday at 8:45 P. M.

at the Town Office Building. The guest speaker will be Walter Kuffler of Glens Falls, whose topic will be "A Foreigner's Impression of America," Mr. Kuffler is a native of Czechoslovakia. The public is invited. Refreshments will be served.

RED CROSS TO MEET Members of the South Glens Falls branch of the American Red Cross will meet at 10 A. M. today in the Town Office Building, Hudson and Fifth Streets, for an allday sewing session. Luncheon will be served at noon and the session will be brought to a close at 4 P. M.

CHILD BREAKS ARM The condition of David G. Grinnell, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Milford D. Grinnell, Fenimore, who broke his left arm while playSaturday at his home, is reported as good.

The child is being treated by Dr. John McCann. PRAYER MEETING TONIGHT A prayer meeting and fellowship hour will be conducted tonight at 7:15 at the Methodist Church. The Rev. George- Robinson, passer; will be in charge.

CHOIR REHEARSAL TONIGHT A rehearsal of the Methodist Church choir will be conducted tonight at 8 at the church. FOR SALE SAFE heavy construction, roomy interior, dimensions 29" 39" dial 4-5588 FT. EDWARD THEATRE Today Thursday "Mr. District Attorney" ALL STAR "Rage in Heaven" SHORT ADVERTIsem*nT "UNBLOCK" your DIGESTIVE TRACT And Stop Dosing Your Stomach With Soda and Alkalizers Don't expect to get real relief from headache, sour stomach, other gas and bad breath by taking soda and alkalizers if the true cause of your trouble is constipation. In this case, your real trouble is not in the stomach at all.

But in the intestinal tract where of your food is digested. And when the lower part gets blocked food may fail to digest properly. What you want for real relief ir scmething to "unblock" your lower intestinal tract. Something to clean it out effectively help Nature get back on her feet. Get Carter's Pills right now.

Take as direct ad. They gently and effectively "unblock" your digestive tract. This permits all 5. of Nature's own digestive juices to mix better with your food. You get genuine relief from indigestion so you can feel really good again.

Intestinal Buy Carter's Pills today. "Unblock" your tract for real relief from indigestion. FILL YOUR BIN NOW WITH HARDER LEHIGH VALLEY COAL All Prices Reduced Famous GULF FUEL OIL and KEROSENE Prompt, Clean Delivery Service FRANK MOYNIHAN 9 Chestnut Street -South Glens Falls -Dial 2-0648 A capacity audiende filled th Friends Church in Saratoga Avenue Monday evening for the showing the vivid full-color scenes from tronomy and natural science fee tured in the film, "The God of Crea sound motion picture pro duced by the Moody Institute Science. The Rev. Cecil E.

Pearson opened the affair which was followed by serving of light refreshments. be beamed around the world by radio through the official outlet of Station CFCF in Montreal. The purpose of the International Festival is to foster understanding through use of the international language of music. Roy, who plays the -violin, and Brooks, whose instrument is the French horn, will play with the International Schools Orchestra whose conductor will be Albert W. Wassell.

Artist Is Honored Mrs. Laura Porter, member of the art department faculty of Brenau College, Gainsville, has been honored by being named for the 1947-48 edition of Who's Who in American Art, according to a recent announcement received by her from the American Federation of Fine Arts in Washington, D. C. Mrs. 'Porter's is at 5 Mechanic Street, this village.

Mrs. Porter, who has been head of the art department at Brenau for several years, has received many dictinctions not only in painting but in crafts. She taught occupational therapy at Walter Reed General Hospital, Washington, D. at one time. Her paintings have been exhibited for many years in New York City and one of her paintings was recently selected by Kappi Pi, national art fraternity, for its permanent collection.

The artist, who usually spends her Summers with her sister, Miss Jessie Schaffer, at their home here, will not come to Fort Edward this Summer. As soon as college closes, go to Vallejo, to spend the vacation period with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Weakland, who now resides there. VISIT RADIO STUDIO Students of the sixth grade of the Dist. 9 School, accompanied by their teacher, Mrs.

Carlton Streeter, visited the WWSC studios yesterday afternoon in the interest of their study of science, They were shown about the studios by Fred Carota who explained the various features to them and they also appeared on the air for a few minutes in a question and answer interview. SALE SET SATURDAY rummage sale, sponsored by Fort Edward Unit, 1133, American Legion Auxiliary, will be conducted at the small Copeland store, Broadway, Saturday from 9 A. M. to 4 P. Persons having clothing or articles to donate are asked to contact a member of the committee, Mrs.

Leo Terrio, Mrs. William Bishop, Mrs. Howard a Durkee, Mrs. Paul Roberts or Mrs. Ephraim Stuart, or any member of the Auxillary.

CANDIDATES TO MEET Prospective members of the Women's Auxiliary to Fort Edward. Past, 5473, are asked to meet at the VFW rooms on Broadway at 8 P. M. Friday. All persons having application cards are requested to bring them.

Organization of an Auxiliary unit in Fort Edward is under way, with officers of the Hudson Falls unit in charge, and all persons eligible to membership are invited to attend Friday's meeting. SERVICE SET TUESDAY Corporate Communion for the women of James Episcopal Church will be observed at a service sponsored by the Service I seque at 10 A. M. Tuesday, April 29. The United Thank Offering will be received at that time.


C. T. U. will meet at 2:30 Friday at the home of Mrs. Wicks, 110 East Street.

Mrs. Ehrmann of Glens Falls will guest speaker. PERSONALS Mrs. Chester Roods and son, Colin, with Mr. and are Mrs.

spending George a ChamChurch Street, week. bers at Westerly, Marguerite, Catherine and Alice Bennett of Forest L. the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. spent Peter Bennett, Allen Street.

The Rev. James R. Cooper of Vergennes, was a guest Sunday night of Mr. and Mrs. C.

L. Battershall, Prospect Street. Douglas Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B.

Middleton, River Road, has arrived at York Beach, where he has employment on the new. Maine highway, He is residing at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Elms. Mrs.

Eleanor Ford of Skaneateles is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Munson, Upper Broadway. Ask About Our BUDGET PLAN and the finest quality, too, in Fuel Kerosene dial 2-2161 FINCH, PRUYN to. 27 Glen St.

Glens Falls Mite of to ACC America THIS WONDERFUL COUNTRY OF OURS The ciation 8 P. Lodge "Mr. in tures ward "Rage, The fea- P. M. Ed- Harry Alfred be the For a head start on summer funtake a GREYHOUND SPRINGTIME VACATION Here's the way really to see This Amazing America, close-up, at first hand- -the thrilling way you see it only by highway.

Frequent departures on convenient Greyhound schedules. make it the handy way to go where you like, when you like- -in modern, easy-riding coaches. Amazingly Low There's extra vacation fun for you with money saved at these typically low Greyhound fares: under terms of the will of Mrs. Fanny Goldberg. Letters testamentary have been issued to Mrs.

Goldberg and of the deceased, Edward J. Sovatkin: The will creates a trust under which Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg are chief beneficiaries. Upon their death the residue of the estate goes to Ruth and Jean Sovatkin, grandchildren.

The will of Charles W. Smith, leaving real estate valued at $7,500 to his wife, Stelle E. Smith, named as executrix, has been admitted to probate. ATLANTIC CITY BALTIMORE. BANGOR, ME.

BOSTON CHICAGO CLEVELAND DETROIT NIAGARA FALLS PHILADELPHIA PORTLAND, ME. QUEBEC PLATTSBURG MONTREAL LAKE PLACID SARANAC NEW YORK U. S. Tax One Round Way Trip. 5.70 $10.30 6.40 11.55 9.00 16.20 4.50 8.10 13.35 24.05 8.05 14.50 10.25 18.45 5.75 10.35 5.00 9.00 6.45 11.65 8.75 15.75 2.30 4.15 4.20 7.60 2.40 4.35 2.55 4.60 3.45 6.25 Extra SCHEDULES CHANGED Beginning April 27, many Greyhound schedules will be adjusted to conform with daylightsaving, For information on new departures, call: GREYHOUND TERMINAL 47-49 Warren St.

Dial 2-3008 GREYHOUND.

The Post-Star from Glens Falls, New York (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.