The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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ft THE SPRINGTELD' DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: TUESDAY NOVEMBER 15 1927 4 Huge Cave In on Old Bridge Street West Springfield Threatens Two Houses Warehouse apd Railroad of I 's advocacy of the tree at were OBITUARY 426 Eastern AIRSHIP BACK IN PORT e'' KEY HENRY LINCOLN BAILEY Chesterfield smokers don't change high priced with the seasons but zvatch how other smokers are changing to Chesterfield! OR THE BEST GOO REASONS better taste and that I jnfliTT Mvses Tobacco Ca side was recofti report made has not re howcver it Europe impres lino under Old Bridge street in the hopes that the apparently never end ing llow of water could be diverted through this channel to the sewer and thence to the river The stream at the bottom of themain hole which appears to be the cause of the trouble is' believed to have its source either in a broken sewer near Memorial avenue or in the flooded lowlands between the 'dikes and Memorial avenue Lakehurst Nov "lie naval dirigible Los Angeles re turned tonight from a training flight which took it over a 500 mile cruise to Washington Baltimore Annapolis and Philadelphia CHIIHCH HOLDS CONERENCE Burial Stanislaus's cemetery COMMITTEE NAMED TO STUDY AIRPORT WILL MEET MAYOR con was TO THRESH MATTER OUT NEXT WEEK feet across Rapidly it grew until it is now more than 100 feet long and at its deepest place more than 15 feet in depth This first endangered the grain store and warehouse of Charles Terry and then threatened with destruction the two dwelling houses across the private road leading off of Old Bridge street Late Sunday night hole began to flit with water and the force of ot Mrs Mary Abell street will be held at afternoon at 3 PLEA OR TREES POSTPONES ACTION ON BENTON LAWN DECISION MADE WITH REGARD TO TAXICAB STANDS City Boards and Officials Will Meet With Council Change xf Zone on Page Boulevard Denied PROBUS CLUB GIVES $10 TO CHEST DRIVE Parker Thwarts Efforts of Those Who Would Elim inate Tree Belt Quota is 1 1000 Refugees rom Brightwood Return to Groups to Be Divided A total of J2891 representing 1488 members was reported received up to noon yesterday at the Red Cross headquarters on Worthington street in the annual roll call of the organ ization Gifts to the Springfield chap ter have amounted to $160122 it was reported and money given specifically for flood relief and which will be for warded to Washington has reached a total of $20216 The city's quota for the roll call is $11000 One of the most generous givers yesterday was reported to be a little girl who appeared at headquarters and offered her total savings of 29 cents to the fund She stated that she had been saving the money for Christmas but had decided to give it to the Red Cross One woman who had been driven from her home during the flood and who had received Red Cross aid went to armory yesterday with a $5 gift for the drive 'She was referred to headquarters and there the officials of the local chapter attempted to have her keep the contribution She per sisted it was said and later returned withzdothing with which she thought the organization might be able to pro vide some sufferer Brightwood Refugees Return The last of the refugees from the Brightwood district who were quar tered at the Howard street armory were able to return to their home? yesterday it was reported by the Red Cross About 110 families at Bright Merhbership In the We heard stories of mob demonstra tions in Brussels and Taris at the tjme of the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti Then thousands of Ameri cans got out of Paris but I believe Brussels wiw worse The rench newspapers denounced the anti Amer ican demonstrations and warned the rench that if they expected to have American tourists come into their country the anti American demon strations must stop And the di" CLUB PLANS PROGRAM $2891 RECEIVED SO AR IN DRIVE OR RED CROSS A sudden descent upon store Hickory street at 815 last night resulted in seizeure by the police of three slot machines and the arrest of Cosmo Yannone 26 "of avenue the storekeeper Acting upon' a tip that gambling ihachines Nvere In play in the store Sergt Harley Blodgett and Officers Carl Rolf and Heptor oley drove up to tfie store and rushed into the store through the front door They found two machines of the 25 cent type and one which they confiscated Yannone was bailed out appear today in district court irst Quarterly Meeting at St lames Methodist Episcopal Held The first quarterly conference of the year was held at St James Meth odist church last night Rev Dr Leopold A Nies district super intendent presiding MUSSOLINI MUCH NEEDED IN ITALY SAYS DR BAILEY all the ranco Italian bor There All Members at Meeting Also Enrol in American Red Gross The Probus flub at its regular weekly meeting last night at the Ho tel Worthy voted to subscribe $10 to the Community chest in audition to the individual subscriptions made by the members American Red Cross was also taken out last night every member present joining the organization The suggestion was made last night that the Probus club produce the an nual minstrel show for the benefit of the A The suggestion met with the approval of the men present but a final vote was deferred to the next meeting when it will come up again According to the reports a large attendance is expected at the Du'ch party which the club is hold ig Wednesday night at the' Hotel Hoh land The attendance prize which was given by Moses Mazer was won by Joseph Solomon CARD THANKS wish to thank our neighbora friends and relatives also the DeSoto Lodge 1 th for their kindness and sympathy also for the beautiful floral tributes during our sorrow and bereavement 7 MR BUTTTERWORTH AND AMILY was done there At ater coming1 yet fully deter ofiicials and en the past three several tons of earth causing one of th largest cave ins throughout the Merrick section A few days ago when this cave in this broke out more dirt nnd extended the hole to Old Bridge street To save the two houses and Air ware house and to prevent the possible un dermining of the Boston Albany railrqad embankment on the other side of Old Bridge street a pump was brought to the scene water pumped out 1 All day yesterday menMn the em ploy of the town worked desperately clearing a channel to the main sewer wood are still receiving or have re ceived Red Cross aid it was said One family is still quartered at the Hotel Cooley About 175 refugees from West Springfield are still at the armory but it is hoped that conditions will per mit all of these to return to their homes within the next few days More than 150 in West Springfield in addi tion to the group at the armory are still receiving aid and aid will 'be given them until the need has passed The rehabilitation committee of the Red Cross met yesterday to ar range for the decentralization the large refugee groups The au thorities wish to organize the refugees into smaller units it is reparted stations at West Springfield and at Plainfield street will continue to oper ate until all families have been re turned to their homes Miss Warren South end dis trict secretary of the amily Welfare society of Boston has been granted an indefinite leave of absence and has arrived for flood relief work with the Red Cross here Last year she was on duty with the Red Cross at Miami following the lorida hurricane id iK Sr 1a M1 Semiannual re ports ere made by the various or a nnounced the groups will hold meetings each Sunday with out speakers Dictator Has Cleaned Coun try Up Declares Long meadow Minister Just Back rom Europe Mussolini has cleaned up Italy in various ways Rev Dr Henry Lincoln Bailey of Longmeadow said yesterday while talking of his tt ip to Europe Dr and Mrs Bailey with Dr sister Miss Alice Bailey of Hartford Ct returned to this country last Wednesday arriving at Boston on the steamer Winlfredian after an absence in England and the Continent of 20 weeks They spent 10 weeks in Great Britain and Scotland a month in Italy and the rest of the time in Hol land rance Switzerland and Ger many rance and Italy are afraid of each other Tr Bailey believes At points alon der there are many soldiers the Baileys saw more soldiers than In DIED In thl city 12th Mary Abell kA VnAva1 anriiicaa at fh hfiTtl? 2114 street Tuesday at 2 Burial In Agawam Center cemetery In thia city 12tn can a Bardway of 105 Chestnut street uneral from the parlors ot Broughall 14 Bridge street Tuesday at 745 High mass of requiem at Pt Michael's cathedral at 815 riends Invited Burial In St Mi cemetery At South Hadley 12th Tlamasa Brouillette 52 of 104 Middlesex street Springfield uneral at Byrons funeral home G84 State street Tuesday at 815 a followed by requiem high mass at St church at 0 a Burial in St cemetery Tn Chapin Memorial hospital 14th Mrs Emilia Drude 75 ldow of Ixiuls A Drude uneral services from the U'odnahrltiv a I iiome bh nrnuuiu 2 tn unpraX private omit flowers JJUriai in van urvvs venwiejy At Indian Orchard J3Uh nn Bose A lynn widow of James lynn uneral at the late home 242 Main street Indian Orchard Wednesday at 830 a olemn requiem high mass following at Bt Mat church at 0 a riends invited In this city 14th John Craig 74 uneral the late residence 45 Maple atsof U'cilnouHav nt A TTI T'llSh mass of requiem In Holy amily church at a rtenas invneu curiae Mfchael's cemetery In this city 13th Gladyee Louise 25 wife of Walter Godfrey neral at the home 95 Marble street Tues day at 2 Burial In Oak Grove ceme tery i lM Wil ilj vE (Smith) Gilmore 39 wife of Charles A Gilmore or uenver street nvatw tmw at funeral chapel Wednesday at 2 Burial In Hillcrest Park cemetery Masonic Military Men Will Hold Entertainment Naval Headquarters I Rians for an entertainment 'made at a meeting of the club last night at the Hotel Clinton The event is to be held the night of December 12 at 8 in the 'Naval Re serve' headquarters on Hickory street The program is as yet tentative will include an hour of motion pict tures the feature of which is to be on military fife A Guests will include military and' naval' officers and their wives and families Capt Stanley Plaice of the United States medical administrative reserve presided at last meeting The club is composed of Masonic members of the army navy marine corps andreserve branches HIGHLAND CIVIC CLUB CRITICIZES TROLLY SERVICE said that they went too recommendations going is asked for by the pe Johnson was nomtiTated jm'Mvn Darker to succeed Charles At Allbe as member of the board of Members Assert it is Inade quate Promised Improve ments Net To Confer With Company Trolly service afforded by the Springfield Street Railway company was again the target for complaints at meeting of the Highland Civic club last night and a corhmittee will confer with trolly officials soon Va rious members of the club protested that the service is not adequate that promised improvements have not been realized and that operation of the one man trollies is not proving satis factory The East orest Park Civic club recently took similar action and con ferred wtih General Manager lan ders Sj The executive committee of the club headed by Chairman Albert Neale was authorized to Investigate the sit uation and report to the club 'after which a conference will be held with trolly company officials Dissatisfaction over the changing by the city of the golf course site was expressed by a number of members led by A Stapleton a club mem ber and property owrfer The chosen site the ranconia section was term ed not as advantageous as the former proposed section in the 'Island pond districts Members declared the chosen site would not be as central' from the crosstown boulevard which they thought was an important sideration No formal action taken on the matter Unanimous approval of the city planning board's plan for development of lawn was voted and a resolution was passed urging city of flcials to act as expeditiously as pos sible in the matter Development of Blount park was also again urged by the club as well as development of a plot on Wilbra ham road opposite Norfolk street on property owned by the city and orig inally purchased for a school The executive1 committee was authorized to confer with Mayor ordls Par ker and the planning board in regard to the parks A resolution of condolence was voted to be forwarded to the widow of Prof Eugene oster of Spring field college who died suddenly re cently visited I we liked Blaze in Cellar Discovered by Neighbors About $1000 7 The Longmeadow fire department was called about 530 yesterday after noon to a cellar fire at the home ofrederick Cohn at 5 Benedict ter race No one was at home at the time The neighbors discovered the fire' and sent in an tilarm Tho departmentworked an hour to get the fire under control No water damage was done above the first floor but smoke did considerable damage throughout the house and' the loss will be about $1000 The house will have to be re decorated Spontaneous combustion was given as the cause of the blaze Mrs rederick owler and her nieceMrs Jennie Dorman have re turned from Boston where they spent the week end While there Mrs Dor man attended the Harvard Brown football game1' The regular meeting of the school board usually held on the third Sat urday ot each month will be held ri day night as a conference is scheduled at that time with the committee of the Center Parent Teacher association relative to additional accommodations for children at the Center school 7 Owing to the crowded program at the Armistice day service in'St An church Sunday morning the following list of names ot members of the American Legion auxiliary who have died since the war were omit ted The list was prepared by Mrs John Wood and should have been read as follows: Mrs Herbert Porter Mrs William Rhodes Mrs Wiliam Quinn and Mrs Harry Martin any other place in Europe In one town within a few miles of the fron tier Dr Bailey said that 25000 rench soldiers were quartered: Ereryone Working One of the most notable changes that has taken place in Italy under the regime of Mussolini Dr Bailey said is abolition of begging Musso lini has put everyone to work Some few of the people are opposed to the premier's policies but they (lo not dare to speak out against him boldly and for the most part submit to his dictatorship quietly' think Mussolini was much need ed by the Dr Bailey de clared of course are drawbacks to dictators Tn fact he made me change my plans I had at first planned to go to Italy by boat as I did before the war But I found that Mussolini has driven British shipping out of Italain 'ports and that the only way to get there would io by one pf the Italian liners all the cities we think barring London lorence best It is fascinating with its Jjistory its architecture art and its shops It is a great place for a tourist" A benefit to tourists in Italy but not such a benefit to the hotel keepers is a 20 per cent cut in hotel rates that was recently ordered by Mussolini Legionnaires Made Gond Impression Tne Baileys were Paris at tne time of the American Legion conven tion there "When 1 first heard that the Legion was going to hold its con vention at Dr Bailey sajd feared there would be a great deal of drinking and that it would be rather a rough crowd 1 was very much surprised and greatly pleased at what actually took place The home chap ters had apparently sent their best men to the convention as delegates These delegates were of the very high est class and all conducted them selves in a way to reflect great credit on the Ixigion LnTpugnout they made a most favorable sion "Delegates to the Legion conven tion so far as drinking went were typical of other Americans inEurope' Americans are not boozing through Eurojie 1 admit that during the 20 weeks we were away the Baileys dis posed nt three bottles of wine i have ben asked if experienced any unpleasantness or felt'an antag onistic attitude toward us because we were Americans In all the trip there was not a single unfriendly" incident All uture Permits Must Be Approved by Police and Abutting Land own er Board Says The police department and the abutting landowner must both signify their approval in the granting of fu ture taxicab stands Chairman Edward Ruxton made clear at meeting of the transportation board The inclination of the transporta tion Jboa rd to defer to the wishes of the abutting property owners in the granting of taxicab stands may have an important bearing upon the con troversy over Lyman street If this is adhered to The Boston Albany railroad has objected strenously to taxicab stands on this street and the attorney for the railroad and the at torney for the Black White Taxicab company which has a concession on Liberty street have both maintained thatV this objection should caryy weight in settling the controversy Policy Tested To test this policy a case was presented to the board immediately when owners of property on Main street above the Arch sought to have Yellow Tax! stand abolished or moved The stand in question is the one in front of the Springfield hotel and Joseph Ruth manager cf the hotel I Richmond owner the block in which the hotel is and A Bazos manager of the cafeteria in that block appeared to ask for a change of conditions at that location Mr Ruth njaintained that his hotel business has suffered because of the narrowness of the space in front'd the entrance and the consequent com plications between his guests and thetaxicab operators at the stand nearby There is a space of 10 or 12 feet in front of the hotel entrance and this is Insufficient to take care of his patrons he said' In addition the ringing of the tele phone bell across the "street and the noisy changing of tires there at all hours of the night are a nuisance of which he would like to be rid he said The taxicab drivers were also ac cused of occupying more space than tjieir stand permits them to Petition In Writing The objfectors were asked to put objections in writing and send them to the board It is the policy of the board the chairman stated not to grant permits for stands when tho abutter objects It was suggested that the Yellow Taxicab company might be willing to move its stand across the street and a conference will be ar ranged on this subject In connection with statements made during the bourse of this discussion the ehairman of the board instructed the supervisor of motor vehicles to in form all taxicab operators the board is considering adopting a rule that all drivers must stay in their cabs Any objections of the 'operators to such a ruling will be considered The chairman said 'that in conver sation with Police Commissioner James Gill he had agreed that the' polide should be consulted with re spect to taxicab stands in the future The petition of the Union Taxicab company for the stand now occupied by the Yellow Cab company at Bridge and Main streets was strongly op posed by the latter on the grounds that is not customary' to ask for a stand already assigned to a particular company 'The petitioner was given leave to withdraw John Craig John Craig 74 died at his home 15 Mapledell street yesterday morn ing after a long illness He was born at Worcester coming to this city at an early age He was employed a the United States armory for '51 ears retiring seven years ago In 1882 he was married to Miss Harriet Signin who survives him He is also survived by a son Harold and two daughters Mrs rancis Barstow of itchburg and Mrs Ralph Butter ot Ridgefield and three grand children? The funeral will beheld at the home tomorrow morning at 830 followed by a requiem high mss at Holy amily church at 9 Burial will be in St Michael's cemetery Mrs Charles A Gilmore Mrs Katherine Gilmore 39 wife of Charles A Gilmore of 77 Denver street died yesterday after a lin gering illness She was born in Hun tington December 25 1887 and had lived in this city for 20 years Be sides her husband she leaves three children Clara Charles and Arnold The funeral will be held at Wash burn's funeral chapel tomorrow after noon at 2 Rev Burford Party will officiate and burial will he in Hill crest Park cemetery Mrs Emllle Drude Mrs Emilie Drude 75 died at Chapin Memorial hospital yesterday afternoon She was born in Germany and was thenvidow of Louis A Drude She had lived in this city for the past 35 years and had made her home with her son Charles who is the only Survivor The funeral will be held at the home ot the son at 107 Westford Avenue tomorrow afternoon at 2 and will be private Rev Dr Stanley Blomfield will officiate Burial will be in Oak Grove cemtery The funeral of Mrs lor Knowl ton was held at Byron's funeral home yesterday afternoon at 2 Rev J' Burford Parry officiating Burial was in Springfield cemetery The funeral of Mrs Walter God frey of 95 Marble street will be held at the home this afternoon at 3 Rev Vernon Losee officiating Burial Will be in Oak Grove' cemetery The funeral of Thomas Brouillette of 101 Middlesex street will be held at Byron's funeral parlors 684 State street tomorrow morning followed by requiem high mass at St church The funeral of Mrs Dolor St Law rence of 55 Orchard street will be held at funeral parlors tomorrow morning followed by requiem high mass at St church The funeral of Stanislawa Swieskos ka of 128 Essex street will be held at the home this morning at 830 fol lowed by requiem high mass at Our Lady of Rosary church at 9 will be in st Chicopee The funeral of 2177 Main the home this Rev Dutton of Agawam of ficiating Burial 'will be in Agawam cemetery The funeral ot John J'Dougherty was held at the funeral home of Sampson Sons with services yester day morning Uurial was in Oak Grove cemetery More damage is being done by the first occurred it was less than three aftermath of the flood in' the vicinity of Old Bridge street and the Boston Albany tracks than by the flood itself from a source not mined by the town gineers has during days carried away UNDERTAKERS Persona! Service rank Winslow Warren Underwood Charles Roadstrand II GRAHAM Corp 37 HOWARD STREET 3 al5 Day ir Night it A strong group of advocates of the public works plan for treating Benton lawn failed to secure approval oflthe plan by the aidermen meeting in committee of the whole last night It the equally determined objec Jion of Mayor ordis Parker that 'finally resulted in a decision to hold a conference at tho next council meet ing on both plans under considera te she beu in that section drew the searing fir of Aiderman Edward Ruxton tne xoremost aavocato ox fori the elimination of the trees and th pe was every indication that the Rtilm would reach greater hights be fmi the matter is finally disposed of It is proposed to hav both boards of ritv council tne city manning bo Pd the board of public works and LHJrSlUlJ' DU4IIV Vllivn'iMW vx ani engineering denarwneht meet to 'gether at the next session and discuss the plans tnorougniy second onlv to tne flenton lawn ae bate in interest was tjte matter of a ch a neo nr zone at tne corner 01 age boulevard and Berkshire avenue East Snrloe flelrt citizens naa lougnt vnis proposal bitterly tpd finally the peti finnee given leave to withdraw and the recommendation of the plan ning hoard that all lour corners ne znneA a was dismissed by the aidermen The lower board must approve this action to put it in lorce The real tlreworKS were orougnu forth during the Benton lawn discus pion The mayor's suggestion that the aidermen wait until tney couia see me nlnnning board moaei ot ineir pian was opposed by Aiderman Edward Divtnn drawing from tne major a remark to the effect that the alder men be so as tn make a decision without seeing one of the plans under consideration 1 Thinks Peculiar" sa the snark in the tin der "box and Aiderman Edward Riivtnn inshed out in return niieu we went out to look at Benton lawn we were told thqt one pian was not under consideration and when we aanmnn Tus fnvnr thftt DiaTi iniuer was dropped entirely for some time We were ready xo go apma whh umi Yjlan but for nome unaccounuiuie reason it waa held up to me sometuHig pe culiar about this thing all the Aay thro igh It aeems to mo xuav wmv Kviv oIiba la opinionated When I nf Public Works mem bers why this plan was not reported tAii tnnr ir whs iiiuuim VB VX 3 fn mhort on it until after election Who wanted it left until after election a uo not kjiuw TMflvnr dpr area mat ine cny can keep the trees for at least 10 1 5 A 4 I nr rAaMt hf annenii me ttv5 men to let them remain there as many in that district are very iunu ui tnem rin rannrtcui Tviiiritiii UUUVr Uv kv hnnrtl of BUbliC WOtkS last night the trees would be eliminated in I ic ri 1 1 i iiji t' modern highway substituted The en tire rest of th is work inducting curb ing tree removal and paving was es timated at Planning Office Erred The zone change sought at the cor nf lArkfthira avenue ana use TnsAtih Ijabelle in vrHvad an error in the planning board office with regard to the zoning of that district it was tnougnt whole section should not oe penanwu for this error however Criticism wa made ot the planning noara oy jui Ruxton who fnr In their beyoYwl what titioner Samuel City Council Group to Con fer Today Directed to Recommend Most Suitable Municipal Site The airport committee of the city council will meet with 'Mayor Parker at the municipal building at 4 today it was announced last night The committee has been se lected to study available fields and make recommendations for the most suitable site for the proposed munic ipal airport Its work is expected to be ended this fall as tho city must choose a site and secure an enabling act from the Legislature during the winter in order to provide an airport next ypar The suggested sites have Included the Dunn field tract at Longmeadow the Drinkwater tract at East Long meadow Randall field at Agawam and the Liberty park section in East Springfield he latter celved serious attention is said The Dunn field site mended to the city in a by the airport committee of the Chamber of Commerce Consid erable aeronautical activity has been taking place there since the field was adopted as the base of the Springfield Airlines company Residents of Long meadow have been loud in their pro test against Its acceptance as a mu nicipal field however the climax of their objections being in the hearing conducted by the airport cotnmitLje The Drinkwater field was one of the first to be considered by the investi gating interests but it was brought into the limelight by the recent dec laration of East Longmeadow inter ests that 'the town definitely wanted the airport to be located there They not only had no objections to the field being developed but welcomed it THREE SLOT MACHINES SEIZED MAN ARRESTED VERMONTERS TO HOLD LOOD BENEIT DANCE A second benefit social and dance will be hold Saturday night at Melha temple for the relief of Vermont flood sufferers under the auspices of the Springfield Association of Sons and Daughters of Vermont So suc cessful was the first affair held last Saturday that 'it was decided after ward to hold at least one more event Due to the large attendance expected tile affair "is to be at Melha temple instead of a smaller hall ns at first planned Arrangements are in charge of Dr red Brigham' chairman of the committed and Ernest ree man president of the association appeal of the building department and the nomination was confirmed Mr Allbe failed of reappointment oc casioning some surprise in City circles The change of zone sought by the Arcade Malleable Iron company lo cated on Page boulevard was ap proved by the board of aidermen This too must be acted upon by the lower board This petition has been on the table for some time the company seeking to get their land near the street zoned as Residents of the section recently opposed the change as the smoke from the factory has been objectlonablethey maintain The land was originally zoned indus trial however and was changed to business It is now changed back to its original status and if there is fur ther objection a new petition can be brought in A To Hear Zoning Change Petition With the disposal of these two zon ing problems the aidermen took off the table Councilman Charles Mc order with reference to the limitation of the number of zoning petitions that can be brought in in a year with respect to one piece of property and referred it to the com mittee on ordinances It will be pushed through at the next meeting it is expected A hearing will be given on the 28th on the petition of McKnight Hights inc for a zone change to industrial A near Westerly avenue The change was recommended by the planning board The petition for a neiv junior high school In the Van Horn section was referred tp the school commit tee The exoneration of Councilman Charles Walkner on charges of tqxlcab drivers was approved in both boards City Solicitor Charles Beckwith in response to the question referred to him sent a communication In which he expressed his opinion that the courts would not uphold an ordinance to prevent dwelling in ga rages Such an ordinance ivould be In his opinion arbitrary and beyond the intention of the zoning law The petitioner for such an ordinance was given leave to withdrawn LONGMEADOW IRE DAMACES HOUSE ON BENEDICT TERRACE a 'ft ft JWW JiL I v' 'X' i 'S' ts bM 8 q's A s' s' S'' s' A lie 'rt s' 4 I fl Wl '1 ll vJ 4 i ST S' Tniiifni awc wzi jL1 UBMMg nk' to 1 zt SC I 1 cxxxMwaav Mr I I WetitHt umuMtao ScWCz XCX MK 1 t' fl fl WMk' 8 Vfl 'r" 1 8 4 3 a 'o rw.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.