The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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i 1 I t' lr( I ff A 'TV'f i 11 SECTION 1 THE COMMERCIAL' APPEAL MEMPHIS SUXDAY-ilORXIXG AUGUST 8 1926 arxte Landess Wins Promotion In Local Grocery Firm I JIRMNSIS CINDIDITE5 (REHEARIH9TKE WIRE Interest Centers in Race for Governor and Commissioner 74PLANES FINISH IN FIRST LIPS' OF RICE Only One of 25 Racing for Ford Prize Fails LEGION RICH OFFICIILS TO SUE OH LIHES Doughboys First to Prefer American Ships Going Abroad LITTLE HOCK Ark Aug While the primary election will not be held until next Tuesday the campaign was practically closed Saturday night Gov Terral and Chancellor Martmeau will continue on th- atump until Ion-day evening but the great work of the campaign has about ended For an off year the campaign has been in many respects the bitterest and most hotly contested since- the days the late Senator Jeff Davis With few exceptions it has been virtually devoid oC Issues principles being relegated and personal abuse substituted In nearly every instance where there is more than ono candidate for state positions the result is in doubt Many i the best informed men In the state who have discussed the situation with your correspondent during the past ten days stated that there wad not a living man in the confines of Arkan CHICAGO Aug (AP) Cabin steamers of the United States lines will carry high officials of the Amerj lean Legion to the 1927 national convention In larls John J-Wicker of Richmond Va national travel director announced today The steamships President Harding Roosevelt and Repuulic will be usea and an additional ship will act as flagship carrying a delegation made up of legionnaires from every The national commander and his staff all national officers and the American Legion guard of honor made up of 150 leglonnelries representing every state will go on a single liner Wicker was told by officers of the US lines that the legion is first American organization to give preference to American linera on a trans-Atlantic movement Mix 'other lines will be pressed into service to carry legion -men to Paris because of lack of facilities on American lines Christian Church at Piggott Ark HasjSirL Pastor Too Young to Vote 6 People? vNYko Went tb Oliitrcli Out of Curiosity Stayed to Hear Old-Fashioned Gospel Preached It seems that a new day Is dawning for the state of Arkansas The Disciples of Christ of Piggott Ark announce to the world that they are modern to the last detail They have called to be their pastor a real live girl Her name is Miss Garnett Gunter She wears her hair bobbed uses a powder puff when it Is needed and is a typical Kansas girl The world mar boast Its prodigies but the First Christian Church of Piggott hears the gospel preached from the' of a girl who Is not yet-oia enough to vote She preaches two sermons ayerv Sunday and sometimes three la more than a preacher she-is a fully licensed minister of the gospel with authority to perform all duties devolving upon the ministry Which Includes administering the sacrament baptising the converts apd performing marriage ceremonies look like a preacher one of her people told her on being Introduced look like a candidate for matrimony Miss Gunter assures her people that ho is a candidate for matrimony for he replied: have Just had my credentials' registered in fhe Clay ounty She la the only representative of her sex to have her credentials registered in Clay County and as far aa can be' ascertained she is the first and only woman to sav the words that bind death do them part' In the county The Disciples of Christ rpn claim only one other woman preacher in the entire state of Arkansas ghe is Mrs Bertha Fuller of Little Rock wife of the Rev JH Fuller state superin-tendent of Arkansas Churches ot Christ Mrs Fuller has had more experience in the ministry than Miss Gunter years old The Rev Miss Gunter Is a thin wisp of a girl tali and slender with blonde bobbed half and gray-blue eyes She gives every appearance of frailty -and girlishness upon first meeting but her low-pitched voice and her skill -ln-using it at once Indicate maturity of thought and determination of purpose How do you do she was asked -fj MISS GARNETT GUNTER 1 quitting entirely la because the nhtirch gives them nothing says Miss Gunter But the young pen le of the First Christian Church of finding plenty to do since the girl' preacher came The older people like her and feel the need of her presence In time of bereavement and send for her much I can do at a time like sas who can Intelligently predict the result with any degree of certainty As far as can be learned the guber natorial contest has practically rowed down between the cities Chicago Hook Deer in Lake and Force It to Tow Boat rJ LANDESS At a meelingpf the board of directors of Fly Hobson Company Saturday Hurry Landess was elected to tho position pt third vice president Mr aLandoss- has served the company In various capacities and is very well known throughout this section as a live progressive grocery man He has just recently moved to Memphis from Whltevllle Tennessee his former place of residence and Intends making Memphis his home in tho future Several years ago Air Landess was considered one of the most popular salesmen traveling out of Memphis and is highly regarded by tho of the He has charge of the sales department of his Company nar and towns on one side and the rural districts on the other This of course has Its exceptions It is conceded that if Gov Terral is re-nominated it will bo through the country vote but this vote is somewhat divided as between the two candidates to a more or less degree: that Judge Martineau will receive the largest vote of cities and towns is generally conceded and word reached Little Rock this week that he is also verv strong in considerable country territory Very few bets have been made on the result hereabouts but those that were made gave Judge Martineau the odds Close friends or Gov Terral concede that Judge Martineau has more strength in the cities and say that Gov Terral will run ahead of the chancellor in the country The same doubt exists in the contest for the two places on the supreme court bench created by the adoption of the constitutional amendment Increasing the membership of the court from five to seven Associate Justice judges CHICAGO Aug (AP) Twenty-four airplanes of various makes rested safely at Airmail Field Maywood suburb tonight after completing in two hops the first leg of tbe second commercial airplane reliability tour One plane was unaccounted for but it was understood it had developed magneto trouble- and had put back to the factory at Bryan Ohio The 25 airships contesting for silver trophy -donated Kdacl Ford left Detroit thla morning flew 127 miles to Kalamazoo and this aftersoon hopped to Chicago 128 miles The aerial tourists have an easy day tomorrow! with a un-nlle flight up the shore of Lake Michigan to Milwaukee On Monday they will fly to St Taul Five thousand persons hailed the airmen as they arrived here all 25 sailing out of the aky to perfect landings Crowd Flecks te Flit ver The huge triple-engined all-metal Ford plane with an enclosed cabin capable of carrying 10 passengers the largest In the contest was made the object of a rush by thousands of persons but -by the time ft had taxied Into line tne amalleat craft in the flight was upon1 the field and the big ship was for the moment deserted The a tiny Drlgga dart waa threatened with serious damage by the spectators nnrt to save it from being wrecked In the stampede' to view It it was not wheeled into line but was -taxied to the air mall hangar and hidden under the winra of a big air mall ship Between the top of the dart and the lower wing of the mail plane there was room to spare 8 Jones a veteran was the first flyer to reach Chicago whirling a Curtiss Oriole out of the east He was second in the contest last year It wqa not known whether ho had won the $1000 offered by the Ford dealers of Chicago for the best time from Detroit however as the officiate had not checked against starting times tonight Wnum a'Faaseager When the' passenger riding with Lieut John Riddle in a plane stripped off cap and goggles she was revealed as Mrs Susan Embry of Cincinnati Ohio the only woman In the race She -Is not yet a pilot but the ship In which she la riding will be after the tour and she expects to drive It Her son Hlgbee Embry Is associated with Lieut Riddle In dlstributng planes Vance Breese piloting a Ryan monoplane motored with a 200-horsepower AVrlght whirlwind engine hadi not enough flying for the day and after checking in went aloft for an exhibition of loops slips and zooming He sent his powerful mount straight Into the akles and hla run for a take-off measured less than 50 feet The Babco*ck plane piloted by A Everett with Babco*ck of Akron Ohio as a passenger was the only one forced down en route- from Detroit He was nearly to Airmail Field going along nicely when his gasoline-supply waa exhausted He came In an hour late The Ford trophy la the big prize for the contestants but 820000 In cash -prises also offer an incentive to the flyers of the larger planes Three classes of planea are In thq contest sure that a fpw come to hear me out of curiosity But' 1' just try to give the people the -truth -'a 1 I believe it Humph umphreys U- RHINELANDER WIs Aug After imbedding a spoon hook Into a deaf swimming In Pelican lake Uarick Morton Asbrlcaban and David Yelman all of Chicago are alleged to have allowed the animal to tow them in a motor boat for nearly an hour Witnesses say the men pursued the deer In their host and Cariek Is said to have cast the book which caught the animal The deer was rescued and Cariek paid a fine of $50 for violating the game laws 40 CARS ORDERED Contract for Steel tteado'as Awarded Te I Ce WASHINGTON Aug (AP)-f-A' contruct for 40 steel gondola cars has been awarded by the Inland ater-wars Corporation to the TenneMee Coal Iron 4b Railway Company The rolling stock will be used by the corporation on the Ensley Southern Railway from Blrmlngport to Ensley Ala the Birmingham outlet for the Warrior River Barge Line which the corporation has been authorized by the Interstate Commerce Commission to purchase at a price of $500000 The care will be used in carrying freight to and from Birmingham for tho Warrior River service by way of the Birmingham Southern Railway from Ensley-and the Birmingham-Southern will furnish the locomotives The estimated' Increase In revenues for the barge line are expected to be sufficient to pay for the railway line and equipment 1 ote for WN: WILKES Commissioner of Mines Manufactures anif Agriculture: Candidate for SECOND TERM In: which to complete constructive: program begun during his first term and aarhilljps University taught it to i And the people listen to what she has to There la Vrantio'g about -her' method of -deliv-ecy Gdnterr'speaks' simply ahd evenly in a- language and with a manner thatthe-stiiallest'chUd'crtn understand and that fcer elders respect She uses few gestures vet holds her large audiences in rapt attention' what pleaaes me the girl preacher saya when one nt my congregation lets out an for I know therr someone la thinking pretty hard about -what Piggottjs an enterprising city of 2000 people all white and la'the metropolis of Clay County Piggott has four recognized churches besMes tho -Miss Gunter remarked I can be there and that seema to Alias 'Gunter urrlved in in answer -to the call to her pastorate about June 1 Her flock proclaim hdr than our expectations not only In personality delivery and devotion but also" In the gospel message she To quote Mr Tucker clerk of the church: Gunter waa called by an unanimous vote of the church board whoee action was unanimously approved by the congregation We feel confident the annie vote would stand if taken at till A- date To say that we are -well pleased with Miss Gunter as our pastor Is putting it Thin 'unusual young lady comes highly recommended by Phillips Unf-versitv- of Enid Okla of which Dr McCash is president Upon Invitation of the Rev Madeline tlouthard I resident Alias Gunter hap already teen made a member of the International Assorfatlon of Women Breach-era She has had only one school year of theological Instruction She has attended another university however Friends University of Wichita Kan Alisa hom*o town where her parents reside Miss Gunter last rear was the only young woman in Phillips University preparing definitely for the ministry She expects to complete her education and with two more years nt university work she will huve a-Bachelor of Arts degree Asked how she happened to choose trial on charges of killing his sweetheart Kathi-rlnd Wilson opposite police headquarters three years ago Harris claims' to liava attended without mishap a ball for the police chiefs In Buffalo Y- while dodging arrest only to be recognized in a Detroit store by a former New Orleans newspaper man The reporter wax responsible f6r his subsequent arrest He also- told friends after his arrival here that he had made and lost a fortune wagering on horse races In Tla Juana Lower California a bile a fugitive The 39-year-old and police character termed as untrue widely printed newspaper stories which declared he had become king of Nassau liquor -smugglers since fleeing from New Orleans the day after the Wilson girl was found dead He boasted however of his race horse handbook and bootlegging operations in Toronto Canada and of winning more than $20000 in Tin Juana Counsel has been ratajned to prove Harris contention that he did not alay his sweetheart Aren while the debonair gambler Is keeping his jsll cell' filled with smoke from costly cigars and his' neighbors cheerful by relating his exporlc-neee 1 I 7 Church of Christ They are the Methodist Presbyterian and two Baptist churches all active and growing Other denominations are represented by smaller numbers without church buildings The Christian Church la not a deal different from-any other church except that its leader la not a man' It has its few faithful members its many indifferent and careless ones added Mias Gunther young people if I have to let the rest of the church go-1-shall cleave tg my roung people for you know they are the church of Miss Gunter's ministerial experience covers a period of only eight or 10 weeks but sbi has-won ajtlace in the1 hearts of the young life pf and town that promises to be laating to It Is the hardest thing I have ever tried to-'do but the most gloriously -happy in it All women can talk as vou men will testify I happen to talk about tho gospel and they made me' pastor of a church And I expect always to talk If not to a large congregation then to an individual she added the young men and women of our country that what I have done they can do If they have the courage to overcome difficulties and the determination to atlck regardless of what comes People hear me speak and say wonder-people are leav-i Why I done anything that church andll just want to understand people and Joining thla cult and that sect or else to help them solve their problems Men Teaching East India Ideas About Fascisti siiii i i( i tj 1 1 i -i 7 Compare My Retford With the-Platform of My Opponent KILLS FLEEING WOMAN BLOWS BFFOWHHEIQ Farm Hand Crazed by Heat First Shoots His Cousin TH0MI5 FULLER DIES IN DEW ORLEANS Former Mayor of Hattiesburg Succumbs After Long Illness' 'A has a dear field for re-election while nine- well known law- -ers are contending for the other two places The total vote cast in the primary election two yeara ago was 202607 This it is believed will i be Increased next Tuesday by at least 25000 votes The total number of poll tax reecipts sent out by Auditor of htate Carrol Cone this year amounted to 385864 of that -number 25002 are in Pulaski County jn which Little Roclc la situated Next to the contest for governor the race for state highway commissioner has been the most interesting and attracted statewide attention Herbert It Wilson who is- seeking a fourth term Is being opposed by Dwight Blackwood one of the strongest and most popular men in eastern 'Section of tho state His home is in Blytheville and he has the support of practically everybody in that county He was formerly sheriff of Mississippi County He 1 has mado ail intensively active campaign and it is said made friends wherever he went Herbert Wilson Is known far and wide as one of the brightest men connected with the state government and a politician or the greatest acumen Mr: Blackwood has filed numerous charges aralnst Mr Wilson during the campaign many of which were of a very serious nature but Mr Wilson replied by-stat ing that the charges did not connect him personally with any of the alleged transactions mentioned in air charges This feature of the high wav campaign is left to the individual voter to decide for himself Arkansas for the first time since the adoption of the present constitu-' tion of 1874 is called upon also to name jl candidate for lieutenant governor There are four candidates In the field all of whom have made an active campalgn'of the state Among the candidates Is former Representative Thernberry Gray of Batesvllle who the office It was Mr Gray who filed a petition claiming that the constifutlonal amendment providing for the office of lieutenant governor had been legally adopted in the form of a constitutional amend nient several years ago All of the 1 courts sustained him in his contention and the Democratic state central com- mittee finally ordered that the position be placed on tbs official- ballot to be used In next primary Only two of the members of the Arkansas delegation in Congress have opposition for re-election They are John 24 Tillman of the Third District who is opposed by Ben McFarrin of Harrisburg and Karl Greenhaw also of Harrison and Heartslll Regon of the Fifth District who is opposed by Minor Wallace of Little Rock Mr Wallace la a former member of Congress from tho Magnolia district Mr horns Is in Fayetteville and Mr Ragon resides at Clarksville Senator Caraway has a clear field for re-election as United States aen-ator Arrangements have been made for covering tho election and unless the vote is very close on the more important contests the results will be known early Wedneeday morning List of Candidates Governor Tom Terral John Martineau Lieutenant Harvey Parnell Dermott A Gray Batesvllle Jacob Wilson El Dorado and John A Riggs Hot Springs Attorney W- Applegate Jonesboro Auditor of Carroll Cong Little Bock -r Associate Justice Hum phreys no opposition two to he chosen from tho following: Kirby Little Rock Tlourland Fort Smith Hal 1 Norwood Mena Pope Pocahontas: Johnson Ashdown: Lyman Reeder Batea- vllle James Mehaffy Littla Rock Si Futrell Pars gould and A- Hutchins Forreat City Commissioner of Mines Manufactures and illiam Wilkes Augusta Orto Finley Little KiTommtssloner of State Lands HIgfi-wavi mil Bwck w5od Blytheville: Masslnglll He-ber Springs Herbert Wilson Little Secretary of Jim Higgins Superintendent of Public Instrne tlon Womack Jonesboro Jim Ferguson Llttlo Rock Walter Brasher Little Rock: Nell Cole Walnut Ridge: Sam Herrin Heber Springs Ralph 4 Kooncp StuttRArt UnllroRd First District Clay Henderson alnut Ridge: Second district Harry Ear-hart Paris Third District Ed Harper Camden Talley Magnolia Congressmen First District William Driver A Oldfield 'TMrdDlstrlet John Tillman Fayetteville Earl Greenhaw Harrison: Ben McFerrlnHarrlson Fourth District Otis lngH De Quh District Heartslll Rngon riarksvIlUi Minor Little Reed Lonoke Seventh District Tllman Parks Hope CUERO Texas Aug (AP) Armed with a shotgun and believed to have been erased by the heat Wil-Hfm Mueller farm laboier phot his cousin Mueller at tne farm home near here last night shot and killed wife and killed himself with- the same weapon After the slayer had fired through a window nt her husband Mrs Mueller seised her young son and flashlight and fled Into a cotton field The slayer tracked her by flashes from the light and about 400 yards from the house practically beheaded her with a shot from his gun body was beside her with a part of his head shot away The boy was unharmed and was found huddled against the body of his mothen 1 Deduct Share From Income I Tax Court Rules (By Chicago Tribune-Commercial Ap- peal Leased Wire) BOMBAY Aug 7 Fascism In India is reported 1 from Hyderabad where It is said the royal Nizam the most powerful prince In the empire is Importing Italian black shirts to teach him how to behave like Premier Benito Aluasolini of Italy Count Orsini and Prof Lorenzo Ceconnl recently arrived at the capital of Hyerabad from Rome -and the Nizam also has sent a number of his most trusted court nobles to Itgly to study the working details of the Fascist movement It Is understood the Fascist agitation in Tyderabad is being masked by archaeological research at which all the Italians are employed by the Nizam Moslem feeling throughout India is reported swinging in favor of the Nizam in his controversy with the Central British government in India In reality the fight between the British and the Nizam la over the' rich province of Berara which the central government cut off from the domain The Nizam has now railed In the famous Indian lawyer Sir All Mam to fight the case against England and try to regain Berars Sir All has gone to Hyderabad to consult with the ruler snd to work put the next step of the struggle on which tho attention of ell India la fixed CONTROL SANGER STORES Kansas City Chain Department Store Interests Aeqalre Texas Field 1 ST LOOS 7 TAP) Purchase from Etlfel Nicolaus' A Cof Inc St Louis of a controlling Interest iln -the 814flfln00n Sanger Brothers stores of 'Dallas Waeo snd Fort Worth Tex was announced tonight by Cheater Jdnes president and general manager of the Jones department store at Kansas City Mr Jones as president of a recently formed corporation the Chester Jones Stores Corporation which will -control Sanger Brothers Inc will go to Dallas shortly to take over active direction of the Sanger stores which are to form the nucleus for a chain of department stores In the larger ritles of the country Mr Jones la a director and large stockholder in the Afercantile Stores Company Inc of New York which owns and operates 22 department stores in large cities but the Kanger purchase has no connection with this organization the announcement says 'Stlfel Nicolaus 4b Co Inc purchased the Sanger stores last July 22 9000 BUMPS A MILE Sever Tests fer Tires For ftevrrs- raeat Use WASHINGTON Aug Automobile tlrea for government use must demonstrate service life through unusually severe tests In the laboratory the United States Bureau of Standards The tire Is mounted upright In stationary bearings the tread pressing a flat rim which turns at a 80 miles an hour rim speed As It moves the tire hits cleats set in the rim so that each turn of the wheel gives three bumps to )he tire or 5000 bumps every mile Tires must stand 48 hours of continuous running or 27000 bumps per hour 1(98000 Dumps In all without WHAT MARTINEAU PROMISES IF GIVEN A FIRST TERM i HERF ARE THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF GOVERNOR TERRAINS FIRST TERM HATTIESBURG Miss Aug Thomas AL Fuller 65 known in railroad circles throughout the south former mayor of Hattiesburg and for night years postmaster of this city died at the Baptist Hospital in New Orleans Friday morning The body-was brought here yesterday afternoon and Interment in the city cemetery beside that of hla-wlfe wro preceded him to the grave 22 yeara ago tomorrow Born in Nashville Tenn March 16 1881 Mr: Fuller early In -life took up railroading'-and after working for several years with the 4b came to this city 29 years ago ana took the position of agent of the New Orleans 4b Northeastern and also that of the Southern Express Company Entering local polities he was eelcted mayor of this city- and was serving there when at the Instance of Pat Harrison he wgs appointed postmaster succeeding Walter A Collins the then Republican Incumbent When ho had filled two four-year terms the Republican administration appbinted another to succeed him and he then entered business here which he pursued successfully until last spring when his health condition forced his retiieinent Surviving Mr Fuller are three sons AI Jr of Dallas Texas and H- of Laurel and three daughters Mrs 1 Cranberry of Laurel and Allsses Anna and Jane Fuller of this city MISSISSIPPI M1H SHOOTS HIS NEPHEW a- Claims Kinsman Was vancing en Him With Knife TO PARDON 750 CONVICTS TERRAL administration is the first in 20 years that has not raised taxe TERRAL administration is the first in 20 years that has not had a special session of the legislature TERRAL law enforcement policy ha? been endorsed by both the Arkansas Sheriff? Association and the Arkansas Peace Officers Association TERRAL JS administration made possible the erection of two new buildings at the University of Arkansas the first in 20 years without additional taxation TERRAL prevented Sunday baseball TERRAL caused the defeat of the $64000000 bond bifly which would have sold the citizenship of Arkansas into the hands of Eastern bond interests TERRAL created a studentloan fund at the University of the first state fund of its kind in the United States TERRAL provided more school funds without additional taxation by increasing the efficiency of tax collection departments through consolidation and co-ordination This fact is substantiated by a letter from A Ilill state superintendent to the head of the consolidated tax department TERRAL created a -State Textile School one of the few in the United States TERRAL' reduced the expenses' of the state govern-meat through these same consolidations TERRAL made possible a new building at the State Normal School and a new building at three of the four agricultural schools WASHINGTON Aug 7 A wife who contracts with her husband to give hint half her Income cannot deduct that amount as a business ex-peise from her taxable Income the board of tax appeals held today The decision was given In the case of Mrs Edwyna Appleby Robinson of New York who explained that she and her husband a sea captain agreed upon tbelr marriage in 1900 that she would give him half of her income and pay half of the home expenses if he- gave up the sea Testimony Showed that nil was lovely until -the husband heard the call of the sea again as -a result of hla experiences in the navy in war time The contract meanwhile hart been destroyed In a fire but another waa signed heareby agree for value received and on condition that my husband William Appleby Robinson gives up the seafaring profession and takes up no other that will take him away from home to divide all monies coming to mo from every source whatever share and share alike he to take half and-1 to -take half as long aa we live together- all home and other expenses to be chared equally' Under her mother's will Airs Robinson was paid 812645 In 1920 She gave hnlf to' her husband but the board held that the entire amount was income and taxable if gainst her UNITE SOUTH AND WEST Democratic Lenders -jo Urge Joining of Forces £anjpaJgs WASHINGTON Aug 7 A determined drive is to be launched by certain Democrats this fall designed to ceinFnt the south sad the west on the ground that the people of those sections have a common interest and should join forces to protect themselves from tho industrial Senator Heflin Democrat Alabama) disclosed that fact today when he1 anbdunced' he has been booked 'to make speeches in practically every state In the south and west during senatorial campaigns He said he 'n'lll 'dwell on the necessity of the masses throughout the agricultural sections Joining forces to get their utt deserts Other leading Democrats aro talking bunt an organized effort to trot out dark horses as presidential possibilities co kill' off -the Governor Smith and William Gibbs McAdoo to avoid a clash' similar to the one at the New York convention signs of wear Many tires hold up under thife gruelling grind eyen under pressure loads as nigh as one and I Twenty-Two Persons I Bitten by Rabid Dog I a half tons ABERDEEN Miss Aug Andy Adams nged 60 years shot and ku-'d tils nephew Jim Gunter aged 26 years at his home near Quincy Miss Adams claims that Gunter was advancing on him with a large knife and that he shot- film in self defence Adams used a shot gun the load entering leg Ijoss of blood caused his death a few hours later Adams raised Gunter from a small boy Adams served two years In the federal penitentiary- hi Atlanta on a whisky charge He was placed In the Monroe' County jail to await the action of the gland jury One of Ancient Vintage Carries Off Honors la Texns City ALPJXE Texas 7 The wearer of a bathing suit brought from Scotland (6 years amt wfi awarded first prixe in water carnival The prize was a bathing suit of modem design Mrs Alice AlcFnrland theiwlnner rppeared In a water costume that was the height of Scottish style in the days when the world- took its swimming morejieriously than it does now The suit had large puff sleeves Iqng gloves stockings and shoes with the long-plaited skirt trimmed in Scotch rlald TERRAL of Arkansas HARRIS KEEPS NERVE New Orleans Gambler Accused of 1 Slaying Sweetheart' NEW ORLEANS Aug 6 (AP) Chicago has Its Martin Durkin Baltimore has Its Richard Reese Whitte-more and New Orleans la thfe home of one John Pleasant Harris alleged woman slayer gambler and bootlegger extraordinary Harris who like Durkin' and Whittemore Is noted for his nerve audacity and dress was leading a quiet life In the parish prison today after bin colorful career acquired another milestone with his arrest in Atlantic City a few days ago He arrived here yesterday to face HUNTSVILLE Ala Aug That 2 persons in Lowemlll village had been bitten by a pet dog that went mad and ran rampant through the streets became known here Kdy when Pasteur treatments for all or them were received from Montgomery snd delivered to tho Madison County health unit Treatments -began immediately and It Is honed by medical Authorities that no serious results may follow- The head of the dog wsi obtained a short time after it had b't- ten so inenr people and s-nt to the iatc health hoard where an evam'na-ion showe-l positive signs of rshlcs of the persons were children p'fli-inv on the- pavements or In-th" yards of the homes of the cotton jniU town For Re-election Second Term i AlnrtlicsMl) Ik -nr 1.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.