Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (2024)

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War, Weapons, Preparedness

Posted on by PrepHole Contributor

Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (2)

Kind of a /k/ spooky thread but also kind of serious. The American interior is massive. There are countless regions where the human population "officially" is zero for hundreds of square miles, even thousands. While we've all heard and have enjoyed stories of cryptids and things such as wendigos and sh*t. My curiosity shifts more to the realistic, albeit still surreal possibilities that these regions could be host to everything ranging from organized crime running things such as drug labs to outcast groups either politically or religiously motived or just deranged to live out in the middle of nowhere. This possibility leads my imagination into wondering; what if it's true? What if there could be straight up organized crime groups waging guerrilla warfare against each other in the middle of nowhere with even the US military being involved, either sending in SF to kill them and wipe out any evidence to keep the public dark or even funding them CIA style. There could be firefights being waged right now and nobody would know other than those directly involved in said firefights.

The possibility gets even stranger when you factor in weird mystery stories of experienced hikers with years to decades experience going missing, just for the search for these people being conducted in very weird ways, with even Army SF getting involved, searching areas blocked off from local law enforcement to "find them".

What does /k/ think of all of this and what theories and or stories do you guys have to share? Also, just general spoopy thread because why the frick not?

  1. 1 week ago



    Would be kind of pointless to have guerilla warfare between criminals way out there when they can instead have it in the nearest big city. I wouldn't be that surprised if a lot of sh*t goes through the Everglades though.

    • 1 week ago



      The city guerillas would need their supply depots somewhere, with ever larger bases in ever more remote areas. Note that cartels do have tanks. Their enemies could then find out about them and hit them, which would necessitate defense structures and forces, retaliatory strikes, etc. Bam, wilderness warfare. Get any cults involved, get any inbred hicks, get SF training parties, get a lot of imagination and you'd probably get what OP describes.

      • 1 week ago



        except then you would have to set up some infrastructure even if extremely crude to store all those goods, and having them hundreds of miles away from the nearest town just adds additional cost which many of these drug lords want to avoid

      • 7 days ago



        They don't usually have 1 "depot" in case it gets hit, instead it's usually distributed into smaller depots. They may have 1 dedicated "reception" area where the drugs come in from out of town/state/country (ie., a warehouse near the port, or a garage near a freeway), but then its moved to another place. It could be a small mom & pop bakery, it could be a house, it could be anything they want. Usually its just a house or apartment. They can move them too of course.

        except then you would have to set up some infrastructure even if extremely crude to store all those goods, and having them hundreds of miles away from the nearest town just adds additional cost which many of these drug lords want to avoid

        This, no drug lord wants to take a loss because you want to set up some underground storage bunker 700 miles from your actual market.

        Kind of a /k/ spooky thread but also kind of serious. The American interior is massive. There are countless regions where the human population "officially" is zero for hundreds of square miles, even thousands. While we've all heard and have enjoyed stories of cryptids and things such as wendigos and sh*t. My curiosity shifts more to the realistic, albeit still surreal possibilities that these regions could be host to everything ranging from organized crime running things such as drug labs to outcast groups either politically or religiously motived or just deranged to live out in the middle of nowhere. This possibility leads my imagination into wondering; what if it's true? What if there could be straight up organized crime groups waging guerrilla warfare against each other in the middle of nowhere with even the US military being involved, either sending in SF to kill them and wipe out any evidence to keep the public dark or even funding them CIA style. There could be firefights being waged right now and nobody would know other than those directly involved in said firefights.

        The possibility gets even stranger when you factor in weird mystery stories of experienced hikers with years to decades experience going missing, just for the search for these people being conducted in very weird ways, with even Army SF getting involved, searching areas blocked off from local law enforcement to "find them".

        What does /k/ think of all of this and what theories and or stories do you guys have to share? Also, just general spoopy thread because why the frick not?

        >experienced hikers with years to decades experience going missing
        I really think a lot of this comes down to a few things.
        >The park service doesn't want to admit murders happen in the parks, because the park service really tries to keep the perception up that parks are safe and healthy. Which mathematically, they are, but still. Not to mention police don't really want to deal with park crime scenes, or the jurisdictional issues that could occur in parks with overlapping states and federal/state areas. What are you going to do, get footprints from all 1,000 people who walked the park? dust the trees for prints?
        >Many "experienced hikers" may just be wandering the same few hikes or trails, and wind up getting lost or separated anyway. It really doesn't take much to get lost.
        >See above, but they may be hikers who just overestimated their abilities on a deep hike and got lost in the American interior and died of exposure, making odd choices along the way to shed weight or due to confusion/hypothermia/limb sprangs that limit mobility etc
        >Mountain lion attacks may just be more prevalent than usually recognized, which are about the only ambush predator in the US that could silently murder you and drag you off from a camp at short notice. Less likely.

        Honestly I think a lot of people just overestimate their skills or get lost entirely.

        • 5 days ago



          lion attacks
          A hiker could be doubly unlucky and be victim of a bear or lion who is also a serial killer.

        • 5 days ago



          >See above, but they may be hikers who just overestimated their abilities on a deep hike and got lost in the American interior and died of exposure, making odd choices along the way to shed weight or due to confusion/hypothermia/limb sprangs that limit mobility etc
          The old adage of, "An experienced carpenter will cut off their finger before a novice does" comes to mind. While living in Arizona, I lost count of the times I'd see, "an experienced hiker went missing in XYZ mountain range!" and it later to be found out that said hiker decided they were hot sh*t and would pack less gear so they could challenge themselves. Not sure if I can find the news article, but one that comes to mind was a guy who went hiking on a trail in the Superstitions and decided he'd be able to navigate it without looking at trail maps. Was found few weeks later with javelinas and yotes ripping his corpse apart.

          Seriously, those kit recommendations in hiking books are usually written in the blood of several men. Follow them or the Great Mother will fricking rip you apart and laugh.

          • 5 days ago



            >said hiker decided they were hot sh*t and would pack less gear so they could challenge themselves
            >decided he'd be able to navigate it without looking at trail maps.
            this is all stuff i want to do at some point

            • 5 days ago



              please do
              p.s. I am not a coyote

            • 5 days ago



              the snakes hunger for feet
              just remember that

        • 4 days ago



          >Honestly I think a lot of people just overestimate their skills or get lost entirely.

          If you bother to read the accounts of those who almost ended up missing, its clear that whatever it is, it is not connected to human activity at all. Animals can detect spooks at a much greater range than humans. You can make yourself unpalatable to evil spooks by smelling of flowers and herbs, f.ex carrying something that smells strongly of mint is an excellent idea. Spooks can, supposedly, be seen with generation 3 night vision devices. Such infrared only spooks are always evil.

          Spooks exist in different frequency bands, which our eyes interpret as color. The rule of thumb is higher frequency the better. A spook that is blue is far less likely to harm you than a spook that is only visible in infrared. The presence of a blue spook or even better, an ultraviolet spook, is also likely to discourage red and redder spooks from being present.

      • 5 days ago



        >would need their supply depots
        What is a trap house?
        Guys doing organized criminal sh*t in some city like Detroit, Baltimore, or Chicago are not going to go all the way out into the boonies to store sh*t when there's plenty of abandoned sh*t shacks they can use for that in basically every major city they can store/do their sh*t in. Long travel times like you'd get if you stashed your sh*t innawoods increases the risk of being hit on the move. Combatting gangs that use abandoned properties is part of why in Detroit they've been trying to tear old abandoned buildings down for years, but there's always more and there's always places the cops just flat don't go.

        What you're going to see outside the cities is almost entirely smuggling and things related to it. They're going to be desperately trying to avoid detection by anyone, not just rivals, when doing it. Starting a big ass firefight on an important corridor used by basically everyone to move sh*t causing the cops and feds to show up isn't just going to frick things up for your enemies and can end up putting a few extra targets on your back.

        • 5 days ago



          Manufacturing illegal drugs on a mass scale necessitates a large operation that you wouldn't be able to hide in the city. You also have areas in the US where transporting from Mexico to those areas is just too far, same reason why Ford manufactures their sh*t in Mexico while Toyota manufactures their sh*t in the US, because it's just too far to transport across an entire ocean. As a cartel or as some locals who want to compete against a cartel in said areas. Your only move is to manufacture on a large scale within that region which would require your operation to be located far away from any prying eyes.

      • 2 days ago



        >The city guerillas would need their supply depots somewhere
        yeah dude, those are called cities.

    • 7 days ago



      There were training camps belonging to the Contras and/or Satanic cults (both propped up by the CIA) in the Everglades during the '70s and "80s.

      • 5 days ago



        Source? Sounds like a great read.

    • 6 days ago



      What happens in the everglades?

      • 6 days ago



        Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (6)

        Really gay sh*t.

        • 5 days ago



          Reptile breasts

  2. 1 week ago



    The places that are uninhabited are uninhabited for a reason. They are almost always not hospitable to human life. So in other words, your thread is gay and stupid. Par for the course for this Malaysian butt plug forum.

  3. 1 week ago



    it would be pointless to fight in these areas since they pretty much hold no real value, crime families/gangs fight each other to get valuable territory and trade routes hence why they often focus so much on the cities since that is were the high value territory is for them, the only time you will have rogue groups in the woods are usually schizo cults

  4. 1 week ago



    Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (7)

    >where the human population "officially" is zero for hundreds of square miles, even thousands

    Why not millions?

    Fricking idiot...

    • 7 days ago



      I mean he's not wrong, there's a census tract in Maine with 440 people spread out over 3000 sq miles.
      Then you've got Nye county Nevada (area 51 i think) which has a census tract with 0 population over 4.5k sq mi, as far as theoretically populated areas goes that'd be Alaska where Yukon-koyukuk has 5k people spread over 150k sq mi

      • 7 days ago



        >440 people spread out over 3000 sq miles.
        >Not zero
        White knighting is ban enough, don't be a mathematically moronic white knight.

        • 7 days ago



          I mean if you've got a density of just over 1 person every 10 sq miles then it stands to reason that there's a pretty decent chunk of land where there's no one at all Americans are fat but we aren't a few square miles wide.

          • 7 days ago



            >Americans are fat but we aren't a few square miles wide
            American's can't be stopped, we can do anything we set our minds to!

    • 6 days ago



      Well anon, Alaska is 663,268 square miles.

      vastly less than 1% of it has any human settlement at all. One single city contains nearly half its entire population.

  5. 1 week ago



    I'll give you this, OP: It would certainly be a good setting for a story or wargame.

  6. 1 week ago



    There was an isolated valley in Montana where a fanatical doomsday cult blockaded all roads in and out and started hunting for any federal agents they could find. Turned the whole valley into a warzone.

    • 1 week ago



      Far cry 5 was mediocre

      • 6 days ago



        NTA but the region with the PTSD vetbro region boss was a pretty neat concept with how it progressed. I was also okay with the ending, which a lot of people weren't.
        New Dawn was objectively ass trash, though.

      • 6 days ago



        Far Cry 2 is the only real one.

        • 5 days ago



          Finally, another man of taste. The others were all action zoomer slop, but 2 was an experience. Very atmospheric, Black personest-Apefrica and all.

          • 5 days ago



            Playing Far Cry 2 on hardest difficulty where you don't just drive into objective areas but scout them out and plan an attack is a fricking vibe and a half. Very surreal environment, giving me that Joseph Conrad feel.

          • 4 days ago



            Playing Far Cry 2 on hardest difficulty where you don't just drive into objective areas but scout them out and plan an attack is a fricking vibe and a half. Very surreal environment, giving me that Joseph Conrad feel.

            Far Cry 2 is the only real one.

            >all this praise for 2
            >no mention of the first
            Boggles my mind and makes me sad as someone who's beaten both multiple times. Both of them were products of their times with various flaws but feel they both deserve praise in the same breadth, at least when mentioning Far Cry as a series. Play the first if you haven't, and slap Dylan's mod on FC2 so you can actually use fun loadouts.

        • 5 days ago



          Finally, another man of taste. The others were all action zoomer slop, but 2 was an experience. Very atmospheric, Black personest-Apefrica and all.

          It’s the only one where the environment actually felt unforgiving. The rest felt like a nature themed amusem*nt park.

        • 3 days ago



          RIP WARREN

      • 5 days ago



        Everything about it was great except the plot
        Also, one region had a great radio station and the other two were fricking dogsh*t

      • 5 days ago



        Everything about it was great except the plot
        Also, one region had a great radio station and the other two were fricking dogsh*t

        The plot makes a lot more sense when you realize it’s a metaphor for ISIS and the Middle East and not anything to do with America.

      • 4 days ago



        >far cry games have a reputation for having villains who at the very least seem somewhat rational if not outright morally superior to the protagonist
        >the villain in far cry 5 is a Christian extremist
        What did Ubisoft mean by this?

        • 3 days ago



          Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (8)

          The only two villains from the Far Cry games worth a sh*t are the Jackal and Vaas. The Jackal because he's literally just an arms dealer who then becomes a somewhat good guy at the end and Vaas because he's a fun villain that doesn't fall for any of the cliches of villains showing how "evil" they are by killing their own men, you see him dicking around with his pirate buddies in the cutscenes and seems to actually care for their wellbeing.

          • 3 days ago



            Vaas was best bad boy.
            Pagan min was pretty cool as well - totally how I would be if I was an autocratic leader of a walled off country

      • 3 days ago



        I spent hours of my life just hunting elk and moose with a bow and arrow, using my dog to point out the game all while circumnavigating the map edges, listening to the comfy base background music.
        Was a better time.

  7. 1 week ago



    My little sister hangs out in the private logging company lands in Maine a lot. Usually hiking but she goes to the settlements squatters build up. She's never heard of any wars between camps though there is the occasional vagrant who travels in and starts problems before a posse forms to chase them out.

    • 1 week ago



      Damn dude, it's got to feel pretty bad knowing your little sister gets split like a piece of dry wood by a whole gang of hobos

      • 6 days ago



        >My little sister hangs out in the private logging company lands in Maine a lot.
        Is she the lumberjack camp toy and gets passed around a lot? Like a lot a lot? Post pics.

        Touch grass gays

    • 7 days ago



      I'm guessing you're both hom*osexual leftists interfering with men who have actual jobs?

    • 7 days ago



      >My little sister hangs out in the private logging company lands in Maine a lot.
      Is she the lumberjack camp toy and gets passed around a lot? Like a lot a lot? Post pics.

  8. 1 week ago



    Can you include me in the Youtube video? I fall asleep to these. Thankyou.

  9. 1 week ago



    There have been some shooting skirmishes between cartel growers and hmong growers working for the Chinese in northern California but that's just one group raiding a rival group's grow and not really a war. Cartel growers raid each other all the time too. They've gotten in shootouts with agents as well.

  10. 1 week ago



    I can't speak for the spooky sh*t, but why the frick would organized crime be in the middle of nowhere, hundreds of miles away from their clients?

    • 5 days ago



      They used to grow weed on federal lands back in the day.

      • 5 days ago



        >used to

        • 4 days ago



          I'm not an expert on what the cartel does now.

  11. 1 week ago



    I've heard of human hunters, crazy bands of people that wear deer masks, inbred ogres, but not organized crime

  12. 7 days ago



    >My curiosity shifts more to the realistic, albeit still surreal possibilities that these regions could be host to everything ranging from organized crime running things such as drug labs to outcast groups either politically or religiously motived or just deranged to live out in the middle of nowhere

    We know drug cartels have farms and labs for sure. Claymores, mines, alarms and mexicans are deep in the woods usally near deep wilderness streams and springs.
    Lone men out living in a cabin or dug out have been found over the years.

    When it comes to the cartels youd really want to be kitted up and masked as there will be trail cams watching the area. Even if you wipe em out they might come calling next week at your moms.

    Lone men likely have 0 to loose and 0 for you to gain by fricking with them.

    If yourob a cartel of 4 killos of you gonna sell it, not to the cartels and not go to prison? The 3 rusty ak's and 2 baofangs worth combat?

    Go deep and build ykx2nour own stuff

    • 7 days ago



      To be fair, I think finding and off loading any drugs from a cartel wilderness camp are the hard parts. But actually knocking one over wouldn’t be too hard with a group of 5-6 guys, NODs, and a some training or planning. Not sure it’d be worth the investment either, but it is doable.

    • 7 days ago



      >If yourob a cartel of 4 killos of you gonna sell it,
      Why would I want to sell it

  13. 7 days ago



    PUBG is real. There is a secret battle royale that happens somewhere in the wilderness

  14. 7 days ago



    While I'm not at liberty to discuss the various preternatural life forms in the American wilderness, I can assure you that they are not a viable location for organized crime.

  15. 7 days ago



    More of an /x/ thread but I remember the posts about "real life human deathmatches" here where teams would go out in the woods and fire flares up into the air to signal that the match started and then anons would report taking cover to hide from gunfire and then exploring the area to find blood, casings and guns and sh*t.

  16. 7 days ago



    There is a national forest nearby that might as well be occupied by a mish-mash of law enforcement because of the craziness. I've seen a blackhawk heading in that direction and suspect it was some sort of raid. When I was in high school in criminal justice class we had a Forest Service officer come in and talk to us about how there are cartel grow ops staffed by what are basically slaves throughout the Appalachians. The guards here are told not to let any witnesses live, or else their families are killed.

    Also, never expect for there to be privacy out there. The woods are chock full of cameras unless you're really, really out there. Dude showed us a still of a guy's ass pressed up against his Jeep's window because he was having a redneck romp with some tramp by a road out there.

    • 7 days ago



      It just seems so easy to get away with anything once you're off the beaten path by a ways. Who would be out there to check it out?

    • 6 days ago



      Cartels have moved grows to Appalachia? I thought that was strictly a PNW thing

      • 6 days ago



        It's barely Appalachia, but it's a pretty open secret in Ohio that there's pretty significant grow ops deep in the woods of Hocking Hills to serve the appetite of OSU and OU.

  17. 7 days ago



    Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (9)

    Wouldn't surprise me at all. Since this is basically an /x/ thread, I've started irregularly doing patrols of my property in full autism battle rattle. NODs, thermal monocular, the good ammo and plates. Started setting up trail cams too. Haven't ever caught anything beyond the usual wildlife on 'em so thats a plus. Few too many unexplainable occurences since I started living here. Haven't told a soul about this sh*t yet and I've got more but these are the ones that really stand out for me:

    The first:
    >Be me, just fricking around on my property doing some chores and cleaning some sh*t up. Turn my head. Brightest light I've ever seen in my life. Like looking into the fricking sun with a magnifying glass. Have worst headache Ive ever had. Throw up repeatedly. Disoriented. Literally need to lay down and chug water. Felt both of my legs lock up in a full on charley horse. It took me awhile to limp home that day.

    The second:
    >Be me, fixing the posted signs on my property. Hear a "Pssst, Anon." in my wife's voice. I look around for a minute. Nothing. Go back to traipsing innawoods to inspect and repair signs. Hear it again "Anon. Hey, Anon." This time louder. Call out to her, no answer. Dead quiet and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Absolutely fricking not. I took my sh*t and went home. My wife was in the living room doodling on her tablet. Tell her that there might be hobos on the property so bring a gun if she decides to go out.

    The third:
    >Be me, larping. Think I'm sick as frick as I'm running drills on targets that I set up in front of some of the larger trees near the woodline. Getting pretty good times. Go to reload muh magazines and take my eyes off them for a minute. They were not in the same fricking place that I had set them up. Some of them were a couple yards closer to where I've got the table set up and some were actually in the woods, with a few partially behind trees. I waited a couple of days to take 'em down.

    • 7 days ago



      >The first:
      >>Be me, just fricking around on my property doing some chores and cleaning some sh*t up. Turn my head. Brightest light I've ever seen in my life. Like looking into the fricking sun with a magnifying glass. Have worst headache Ive ever had. Throw up repeatedly. Disoriented. Literally need to lay down and chug water. Felt both of my legs lock up in a full on charley horse. It took me awhile to limp home that day.
      You had a stroke.

      • 7 days ago



        A transient ischaemic attack maybe but not a stroke.

        • 7 days ago



          I figured it was a small stroke due to the blinding light, strong headache and vomiting.

    • 6 days ago



      see a doctor

    • 6 days ago



      As someone who may have had an actual combat encounter with a wendigo/skinwalker some sort of paranormal sh*t frick. I have experienced 2. As for experience 1, I have seen weird orbs of light at night in the middle of nowhere (this was during the combat encounter) and have had the moon mysterisouly turn red a few times. of the two times it turned red (like blood red) the first was with the skinwalker fight and the second was in the middle of the desert at night but I got the same vibes from the combat encounter.

      • 6 days ago



        You mind posting your encounters?

    • 6 days ago



      I'm gonna level with you anon, outside of the first one (which sounds more like a stroke) you have been describing textbook symptoms for paranoid schizophrenia
      You should go see a doctor and tell them about your experiences

      • 6 days ago



        More likely he was in some dimly lit quiet woods and thought, "Dude, what if I saw a skinwalker, like in those apooky greentexts? That would be so awesome right now!" and basically tricked his own mind into interpreting forest sounds as a paranormal, because he wanted to.

      • 6 days ago



        Stroke can cause psychotic symptoms

      • 4 days ago



        >/x/tard has paranoid schizophrenia
        Noooooooo, surely not.

    • 5 days ago



      That first one could have been a migraine, and the bright light an aura.

    • 5 days ago



      >The first:
      >>Be me, just fricking around on my property doing some chores and cleaning some sh*t up. Turn my head. Brightest light I've ever seen in my life. Like looking into the fricking sun with a magnifying glass. Have worst headache Ive ever had. Throw up repeatedly. Disoriented. Literally need to lay
      Is this what happens when you're laser'd? Orders of magnitude stronger than any normal bright light.

      • 5 days ago



        It's sorta like an SCP memetic hazard, it's possible that certain combos of sound/light/smell can frick your brain up something fierce in a targetted manner, pretty sure the military looked into this in the 70s

        • 5 days ago



          Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (10)

          • 5 days ago



            Basically ya, it's the same principle of how red and blue flashing lights are more likely to cause a stroke but way more targetted.

            • 5 days ago



              Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (11)

              It all makes sense now.

    • 5 days ago



      Go to a doctor you dumb Black person, your brain is broken.

    • 4 days ago



      >Brightest light I've ever seen in my life. Like looking into the fricking sun with a magnifying glass.

      Which color was this light?

    • 4 days ago



      >>Be me, fixing the posted signs on my property. Hear a "Pssst, Anon." in my wife's voice. I look around for a minute. Nothing. Go back to traipsing innawoods to inspect and repair signs. Hear it again "Anon. Hey, Anon."

      If you read native american lore you will find that they had the custom of "field names" different from their regular names. It seems that these things were regular happenings to them. I've also read stories about american outdoorsmen encountering similar things.

      Furthermore, if we go by native american lore, the bigfoot and other kinds of spooks can leave behind "images" of people they abduct. They can also turn themselves into trees or boulders.

      Spooks are psychic and can read your surface thoughts. Thats probably why that spook shifted your targets. Supposedly, gold can block psychic emissions from your brain. I suspect a gold coated copper help might work too.

      • 4 days ago



        >Honestly I think a lot of people just overestimate their skills or get lost entirely.

        If you bother to read the accounts of those who almost ended up missing, its clear that whatever it is, it is not connected to human activity at all. Animals can detect spooks at a much greater range than humans. You can make yourself unpalatable to evil spooks by smelling of flowers and herbs, f.ex carrying something that smells strongly of mint is an excellent idea. Spooks can, supposedly, be seen with generation 3 night vision devices. Such infrared only spooks are always evil.

        Spooks exist in different frequency bands, which our eyes interpret as color. The rule of thumb is higher frequency the better. A spook that is blue is far less likely to harm you than a spook that is only visible in infrared. The presence of a blue spook or even better, an ultraviolet spook, is also likely to discourage red and redder spooks from being present.

        I'd love to see the basis for some of this. Real or not, it's an interesting concept.

        • 4 days ago



          >I'd love to see the basis for some of this. Real or not, it's an interesting concept.

          I've done a lot of reading and analogues of the paranormal critters and things american outdoorsmen encounters are found described in sources dating back to before written history beginning 5000 years ago. The problem is that these sources are "pagan" sources, and America is a christian fundamentalist country, so they are disregarded as superstition. I have also started to suspect that some of these "critters" are neither primitive nor dumb, as in that they actually post here, on PrepHole. Sometimes anons are making cryptic posts that means nothing unless you understand how their world works.

          • 3 days ago



            >before written history
            i.e. if my grandpa's grandpa did it this way, then it must have been how things were at the beginning of time.

    • 3 days ago



      Go see a neurologist, friend. Hearing voices and having the fall-downs means your brain is skipping a track.

  18. 7 days ago



    Camping close to water in the woods outside of policed campsites is a dangerous thing because everybody needs water, especially remote meth labs. I did it once because I was just too deadass tired to relocate to a better spot, but the empty glass containers all around me were a sign that I might have an interesting night.

  19. 7 days ago



    There are. How do you think Brian Terry did?

  20. 6 days ago



    Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (12)

    I've wandered the deepest deep part of "scary woods" and seen the "army training exercise" signs.
    There's a whole lot of actual nothing going on out there OP, it's boring.
    The singular time I've ever been way more aware and worried about something happening is deep mountain snowmobiling simply because weather, avalanche, getting stuck, or rolling a sled onto yourself are all incredibly real dangers and you're in the middle of nowhere halfway up a mountain in a blizzard if you frick up.
    Fun stuff though, but for real I rarely see moose let alone anything scarier. Definitely no secret wars but everyone in the big empty parts of the country are armed with a smile, polite wave, and usually a whole posse because safety in numbers and all that.

    • 6 days ago



      There was a hot second when I lost my dad hiking back from Corona Arch outside of Moab at night without a light. I swear I heard him call me and saw movement in the corner of my eyes. But there was nothing. I was just freaking out a little bit and pushing my senses to find any clues, which made me think random noises in the stillness were actually my father calling me.

  21. 6 days ago



    As an experienced hiker, the idea that an experienced hiker going missing needs a paranormal explanation is ridiculous. Experienced hikers do lots of things that aren’t completely safe. It’s how you become an experienced hiker. You wouldn’t say someone was an expert if all they did was little day trips in nice weather with cell service the whole time on well marked trails.
    >t. hiked hundreds of miles solo in the desert
    >t. gone camping and snowshoeing solo in the mountains in winter
    >t. seen fresh mountain lion tracks, but no mountain lion (yet), seen bears, wolves, moose
    >t. found abandoned mines, partially collapsed with timbers over a hundred years old, as well as shafts that are just a 50 foot drop into the dark
    >t. had to cross avalanche fields, areas with crevasses
    >t. has been caught in thunderstorms well above the tree line

    • 6 days ago



      >found abandoned mines, partially collapsed with timbers over a hundred years old, as well as shafts that are just a 50 foot drop into the dark
      Don't tell me you went in them

      • 6 days ago



        Nope. That’s where I draw the line. If I die doing something dumb I’d prefer to at least be above ground

  22. 6 days ago



    Son you're simply writing prose about an inevitable future. I commend it but don't draw attention to yourself.

  23. 6 days ago



    >what if
    it's not an if, it's true. I live in a rural area, and there have been multiple off grid drug operations crop up, and they either move on eventually, blow themselves up, or get raided by wildlife management.

  24. 6 days ago



    before the 2000s it was a lot easier. tons of White Nationalits, Indians having wars on the rez and modern mass graves, even a few years ago they found that Black Islamic suicide school shooting group training in the desert

  25. 4 days ago



    >The possibility gets even stranger when you factor in weird mystery stories of experienced hikers with years to decades experience going missing, just for the search for these people being conducted in very weird ways, with even Army SF getting involved, searching areas blocked off from local law enforcement to "find them".

    it is reasonable to assume that cryptids have plucked not only hikers but also SF/Rangers that visit the area, hence the response.

  26. 4 days ago



    People fight over things. Fighting over a piece of wilderness is kinda pointless for a non-state actor.

    • 4 days ago



      I'm sure fighting over a drug lab would be worth fighting.

  27. 3 days ago



    In the 80s and 90s Aryan groups in the PNW tried to do a guerilla war against normal society. They lived out in the sticks, stockpiled weapons, and robbed banks and armored cars to find their insurgency. They were enough of a problem that the Feds hunted them down. Pretty much all of them were murdered for "resisting arrest" during raids. It was basically the Phoenix Program for white nats. Even well after most of the actual dangerous groups were infiltrated and destroyed, the program continued, leading to stuff like Ruby Ridge.

  28. 3 days ago



    Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (13)

    america is nothing but a matryoshka of secret wars

    • 3 days ago



      Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (14)

      • 3 days ago



        Get fricked poptards, its a soda nation now

      • 3 days ago



        Get fricked poptards, its a soda nation now

        >The War of Soda Aggression

      • 3 days ago



        Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (15)

        >soft drink
        >no option for sodapop

        Minnesotachads, the fire rises you know

      • 3 days ago



        >pop in the areas where heavy German immigration was
        Amerireich is a real phenomenon.

    • 3 days ago



      I hope the EVROPEAN bees defeat the Black personized bees.

      • 3 days ago



        Euro bees are getting sissified by big black stingers.

        For real though we gotta figure out a way to murder the hybridized bees to ensure a future for European honeybees and ourselves since they serve as pollinators.

  29. 3 days ago



    It would be impossible to keep a lid on sh*t like that if it were actually happening, especially if military are involved

    • 3 days ago



      You don't really think the military would keep the Osprey in service if it was a death trap, do you? All those 'fatal crashes' are just a way of covering up the deaths in the Undisclosed War

  30. 3 days ago



    Aren't there feuding Indian reservations?

    • 3 days ago



      Most of those feuds are internal. Plus Indians aren't usually very well armed, although I'm sure there are some reservations that have stockpiled weapons.

  31. 3 days ago



    Spooks will shoot at each other out there, play GTA San Andreas, particularly the desert parts with Mike Toreno, you'll understand

Secret Wars In The American Wilderness (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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