Ruby tutorial - Regex, Ruby Standard Classes, Blocks and Procs and more (2024)

We're going to turn our attention now to a collection of topics that are important to know, but you don't have to master just yet. You'll run into these topics as you read more Ruby code, so we want to give you a heads up and make sure you're prepared for anything that is thrown at you. Each of these topics has enough depth to be its own book, so we're only going to cover the basics and give you a quick introduction.

  • If you're reading this book as part of the Launch School curriculum, don't worry too much about these topics for now, use this section more for awareness than understanding. We cover most of them in much more depth later in the curriculum.
  • If you're reading the book independently of the curriculum, you may want to use this section as a starting point for exploring some, or all, of these topics.


Regex stands for regular expression. A regular expression is a sequence of characters that form pattern matching rules, and is then applied to a string to look for matches. Regular expressions have many uses, some examples:

  1. Check if the pattern "ss" appears in the string "Mississippi".
  2. Print out the 3rd word of each sentence from a list of sentences.
  3. Find and replace all instances of "Mrs" with "Ms" in a sentence.
  4. Does a string start with "St"?
  5. Does a string end with "art"?
  6. Does a string have non-alphanumeric characters in it?
  7. Are there any whitespace characters in the string?
  8. Find and replace all non-alphanumeric characters in a string with "-".

This is just a small sample of what regexes can do. Below, we are going to focus solely on the first example because it's the most commonly used.

Creating regular expressions starts with the forward slash character (/). Inside two forward slashes you can place any characters you would like to match with the string.

We can use the =~ operator to see if we have a match in our regular expression. Let's say we are looking for the letter "b" in a string "powerball". Here's how we'd implement this using the =~ operator

irb :001 > "powerball" =~ /b/=> 5

The order of the string and regex don't usually matter when using =~. Thus, we can also write the above as:

irb :002 > /b/ =~ "powerball"=> 5

There are some minor differences between String#=~ and RegExp#=~, but those differences are unimportant for now. We will usually specify the string to the left and the regex to the right of the =~, but we will sometimes use the reversed order.

Both expressions above returned a 5. This means that the first match that took place was at the fifth index of the string. Remember indices start counting from zero. Since 5 is a truthy value (i.e., in Ruby, 5 evaluates as true), we can use it as a boolean to check for matches.

# boolean_regex.rbdef has_a_b?(string) if string =~ /b/ puts "We have a match!" else puts "No match here." endendhas_a_b?("basketball")has_a_b?("football")has_a_b?("hockey")has_a_b?("golf")

This works! The print out is...

We have a match!We have a match!No match here.No match here.

On top of the =~ operator, we can use the match method to perform regex comparisons as well. This method returns a MatchData object that describes the match or nil if there is no match.

irb :001 > /b/.match("powerball")=> #<MatchData "b">

You can use a MatchData object to act as a boolean value in your program. Try this out:

# boolean_matchdata.rbdef has_a_b?(string) if /b/.match(string) puts "We have a match!" else puts "No match here." endendhas_a_b?("basketball")has_a_b?("football")has_a_b?("hockey")has_a_b?("golf")

We get the same print out as before!

Beginning programs rarely need to use regular expressions, but certain problems are a perfect fit for them. Solving some programs without regex may require monumental effort. However, with a regex, you may be able to solve the problem with a single line of code. If you encounter a string pattern matching problem, remember to look into using regex.

If you want to dive deeper into regex, our Introduction to Regular Expressions book is a great place to start. It's important to note, though, that if you're currently enrolled in our program it's best to not start the book until after course 130. We'll let you know exactly when to start later in the curriculum. The summary provided here covers enough regex to get you through the fundamental courses.

Ruby Standard Classes

Often you'll want to perform a specific operation when writing a program in Ruby. Your first instinct may be to look up the algorithm or try to implement the operation on your own. Depending on the complexity of the operation, we'd like to encourage you otherwise.

When you have a specific action that you need to perform, look for it first among Ruby's standard classes. Using libraries like the Math module can help you solve problems more efficiently.

Let's say you wanted to find a way to calculate the square root of a number. Ruby's Math module has a method called sqrt that you can use right away.

irb :001 > Math.sqrt(400)=> 20.0

Or maybe you need to use PI for something. The PI below is a "constant" that comes with the Math module. It's alright that you don't know exactly what constants are yet and you don't know the syntax. Just understand the concept for now. We are using Ruby's built-in libraries to solve our problems, rather than building our own solutions from scratch every time.

irb :002 > Math::PI=> 3.141592653589793

What if you wanted to calculate what specific day July 4th occurred in 2008? You can use Ruby's built-in Time class.

irb :003 > t =, 7, 4)=> 2008-07-04 00:00:00 -0400irb :004 > t.monday?=> falseirb :005 > t.friday?=> true

You can see the power of using Ruby's standard classes. There is no use reinventing the wheel when you have a rich resource to accomplish the tasks and solve the problems that many have solved before.

Note: why is it Math.sqrt and not math.sqrt? This is because sqrt is a "class method", and not an "instance method". So far, we've been dealing mostly with instance methods, and this is one of the few times where we use a class method. For now, just use the syntax we introduced. We'll talk about the differences between class and instance methods when we cover Object Oriented Programming in the Core Curriculum.

Variables as Pointers

We'll take a deeper look at variables in this section, and specifically how they act as pointers to an address space in memory. That is, the variable doesn't actually contain the value. Instead, it contains a pointer to a specific area in memory that contains the value. This is a concept that confuses a lot of new programmers, and it's also one of the most important concepts to understand. The easiest way to understand variables as pointers is to look at some examples.

a = "hi there"b = aa = "not here"

What is b in the above code? Think about it for a second. What about the code below?

a = "hi there"b = aa << ", Bob"

What is b in this example? If you tried both code snippets in irb (if you didn't, you should before continuing), you'll see that b doesn't reflect the value of a in the former example, but does so in the second example. Why is this?

To understand the difference in the above two code snippets, you need to understand that variables are pointers to physical space in memory. In other words, variables are essentially labels we create to refer to some physical memory address in your computer. In the first example, this is what happened:

Ruby tutorial - Regex, Ruby Standard Classes, Blocks and Procs and more (1)

From the above diagram, we can see that the code a = "not here" reassigned the variable a to a completely different address in memory; it's now pointing to an entirely new string. This is what the = operator does. It's important to understand that different memory space can in fact hold the same value, but they are still different places in memory. For example, if our last line of code was a = "hi there", the result would still be the same: a and b in that case would still point to different addresses in memory; they would just happen to have the same value.

Now let's see what the second snippet of code did.

Ruby tutorial - Regex, Ruby Standard Classes, Blocks and Procs and more (2)

Interesting! The line of code a << ", Bob" did not result in reassigning a to a new string. Rather, it mutated the caller and modified the existing string, which is also pointed to by the variable b. This explains why in this code, b reflects the changes to a - they're both pointing to the same thing.

This is the major point of this section: some operations mutate the address space, while others simply make the variable point to a different address space.

This also applies to variables that point to arrays, hashes, or any data structure that has methods that mutate the caller or one or more of its arguments. If you call a method that mutates the caller or arguments, it will change the value in that object's address space, and any other variables that also point to that object will be affected. Therefore, always pay attention to whether your variables are pointing to the same object (address space) or if they are dealing with copies that occupy different address spaces.

Play around with some examples in irb. Some examples you can try are:

a = [1, 2, 3, 3]b = ac = a.uniq

What are a, b and c? What if the last line was c = a.uniq!?

def test(b) {|letter| "I like the letter: #{letter}"}enda = ['a', 'b', 'c']test(a)

What is a after the test method returns? Did the method modify the value of a? Suppose we called map! instead of map from within test. Would that have any effect on the value of a?

When we use variables to pass arguments to a method, we're essentially assigning the value of the original variable (a in this case) to a variable inside the method (b). This is equivalent to executing b = a. Inside the method, the operations we perform on the b variable determine whether the value of a will change. Some operations, like map, will have no effect on a. Others, like map! will mutate the value assigned to a.

This is all you need to know for now and you may find this recorded workshop useful to watch.

It's almost guaranteed that you'll run into bugs in the future related to this topic, so the important thing here isn't to memorize the rules, but to understand the concept and be able to jump into irb to refresh your memory.

Blocks and Procs

We talked about blocks earlier in this book but we're going to go a little deeper and show you some of the power of blocks. Blocks, like arguments, can be passed into a method. This isn't incredibly hard, and it's very powerful. Let's look at how we accomplish this.

# passing_block.rbdef take_block(&block) block.callendtake_block do puts "Block being called in the method!"end

In this example, the ampersand (&) in the method definition tells us that the argument is a block. You can name it anything you want. The block must always be the last parameter in the method definition. When we're ready to use the method, we call it like any other method: take_block. The only difference is that since this method has an &block parameter, we can pass in a block of code using do/end. As you can see, we've been using blocks all along, but this is the first time we've defined our own method that takes a block as an argument.

Inside the take_block method, we tell Ruby to invoke the block argument by using

Let's make this more complex. Say we wanted to pass an argument to the method as well.

# passing_block.rbdef take_block(number, &block) = 42take_block(number) do |num| puts "Block being called in the method! #{num}"end

Here we are passing the number into the take_block method and using it in our You can see the amount of flexibility and the myriad possibilities that come into play when using blocks.

Procs are blocks that are wrapped in a proc object (we'll cover objects in our object oriented programming book) and stored in a variable to be passed around. This is how you define a proc.

# proc_example.rbtalk = do puts "I am talking."

Procs can also take arguments if specified.

# proc_example.rbtalk = do |name| puts "I am talking to #{name}" "Bob"

Procs can be passed into methods. Let's take our previous passing_block.rb code and modify the method to take a proc instead. We'll add some more functionality too.

#passing_proc.rbdef take_proc(proc) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].each do |number| number endendproc = do |number| puts "#{number}. Proc being called in the method!"endtake_proc(proc)

Using procs gives us the added flexibility to be able to reuse blocks in more than one place without having to type them out every time.

It's not critical that you understand blocks and procs well enough to write methods with them yet. The goal of this section is to give you a general idea of what they are, in case you come across these concepts while reading Ruby code.

Exception Handling

Exception handling is a specific process that deals with errors in a manageable and predictable way. The main thing we want to make you aware of at this point, is how exception handling works and what it looks like. The reserved word rescue will show up a lot in your Ruby career so it's better to know what it is sooner than later.

When your programs are interacting with the real world, there is a large amount of unpredictability. If a user enters bad information or a file-manipulating process gets corrupted, your program needs to know what to do when it runs into these exceptional conditions.

Ruby has an Exception class that makes handling these errors much easier. It also has a syntactic structure using the reserved words begin, rescue, and end to signify exception handling. The basic structure looks like this.

# exception_example.rbbegin # perform some dangerous operationrescue # do this if operation fails # for example, log the errorend

Often, it is necessary to use exception handling when your program is interacting with the outside world, or anything that can behave in an unpredictable manner. One common occurrence of this is when a nil value makes its way into our program. We have to be prepared for this reality. Look at the following code and run it to test it out.

# exception_example.rbnames = ['bob', 'joe', 'steve', nil, 'frank']names.each do |name| begin puts "#{name}'s name has #{name.length} letters in it." rescue puts "Something went wrong!" endend

We've used a begin/rescue/end block to handle any exceptions that may happen within our block. In this example, we have a nil value in our array. Therefore, when we go to call .length on nil we get an error. When an exception, or error, is raised, the rescue block will execute and then the program will continue to run as it normally would. If we didn't have the rescue block there, our program would stop once it hit the exception and we would lose the rest of our print-out.

You can also use the rescue reserved word in-line like so:

# inline_exception_example.rbzero = 0puts "Before each call"zero.each { |element| puts element } rescue puts "Can't do that!"puts "After each call"

This code prints the following output:

Before each callCan't do that!After each call

It does so because it isn't possible to call the each method on an Integer which is the value of the zero variable. If we remove the rescue block, the second puts method will not execute because the program will exit when it runs into the error. You can see why the word "rescue" is relevant here. We are effectively rescuing our program from coming to a grinding halt. If we give this same code the proper variable, our rescue block never gets executed.

We can also rescue pre-existing errors when we are writing our code. Let's look at doing something like that with a divide method.

# divide.rbdef divide(number, divisor) begin number / divisor rescue ZeroDivisionError => e e.message endendputs divide(16, 4)puts divide(4, 0)puts divide(14, 7)

Here we are rescuing the ZeroDivisionError and saving it into a variable e. We then have access to the message method that the ZeroDivisionError object has available.

If this is confusing at this point, don't worry. As you learn more about classes and objects in the coming chapters, you can revisit this section, and it will be much clearer. For now, you need to understand that as you write Ruby programs you can anticipate errors that you may run into and handle them properly so that your whole program isn't broken by one error.

For the purposes of this section an exception can be viewed as synonymous with an error. During the course of program execution, many things can go wrong for a variety of reasons, and when something does go wrong, usually we say "an exception is raised". This is a common technical phrase that just means your code encountered some sort of error condition. The output you get when an exception is raised is meaningful and designed to help you fix your bugs, but you have to learn how to read it first. This skill will end up being one of the most important things to develop over time, because if you're like most programmers, your code will generate a lot of exceptions.

Let's take a look at a simple example of an error condition:

irb :001 > '1' + 1TypeError: no implicit conversion of Integer into String

In the example above, we see a TypeError because the two types don't match - one is a String, one is a Integer - and Ruby doesn't know how to add them together. In Ruby terms, an exception is raised, which will halt execution unless there is code in place to rescue the exception. Ruby has a set of built-in exceptions that also come with an attached message. In the above example, the exception is a TypeError and tells us it can't add the two together without explicitly converting one to a compatible type. Some other common built-in error types you may encounter are:


This isn't a complete list and you don't need to memorize the above, but it gives a good idea of the kind of situations that might cause an exception. The TypeError in the above code example shows the first line of the error message provided by the exception, but in real exceptions, you'll often see line after line of text, and it looks like a wall of gibberish. What does the rest of the text mean? To illustrate, let's look at another example, and we'll walk through diagnosing the cause of the error using the message output from the exception.

Create a file with the following and name it greeting.rb and run it with ruby greeting.rb.

def greet(person) puts "Hello, " + personendgreet("John")greet(1)

The purpose/functionality of this code is simple, but maybe a quick walkthrough might still be helpful. First we define a method greet, which expects one parameter. The idea is that we can write a line of code that says:


And it should output:

Hello, Jack

When we run the script greeting.rb, we get one correct greeting, and one error as output - don't panic! We're going to take the error output line by line and understand what it means.

$ ruby greeting.rbHello, Johngreeting.rb:2:in `+': no implicit conversion of Integer into String (TypeError) from greeting.rb:2:in `greet'from greeting.rb:6:in `<main>'

The first use of the greet method supplies a String as the parameter, and so the output is what you'd expect it to be. But when we pass 1 as the argument into the greet method, we get a TypeError exception. We already mentioned the first line: it's the error type and the error message. But what do the other lines mean?

Part of this involves understanding how execution works within Ruby, involving the 'stack'. When Ruby invokes a method, the method is added to Ruby's 'stack'. In the simple example above when we called greet("John"), program execution would look like this:

main -> greet -> puts -> exit and return to main

Now we can make a little more sense of the output from the error, as it provides a detailed trace (known as a stack trace) that shows the flow of execution and where the error occurred. Such traces rely on Ruby's call stack, which we discussed in the Methods chapter.

In the second method invocation, greet(1), an error occurs and the program execution flow didn't exit back to main, and stayed in the greet method. The program execution looks like this:

main -> greet -> puts

Now, let's revisit the error:

greeting.rb:2:in `+': no implicit conversion of Integer into String (TypeError) from greeting.rb:2:in `greet'from greeting.rb:6:in `<main>'

The stack trace first tells us where the error occurred and why: line 2 of greeting.rb, and the error was because the types don't match. The error occurred due to the call made in the 'main' context on line 6, which contains the line that called the method with incorrect arguments, line 2.

This is a shorter error stack trace than most. Let's take a look at a slightly more complex example. Note: try not to worry about anything you don't understand in the code yet, just pay attention to the stack trace and how it allows you to see what called which method, and provides a trail of calls.

def space_out_letters(person) return person.split("").join(" ")enddef greet(person) return "H e l l o, " + space_out_letters(person)enddef decorate_greeting(person) puts "" + greet(person) + ""enddecorate_greeting("John")decorate_greeting(1)

Save this to greeting.rb and run it, and you should see the following output:

H e l l o, J o h ngreeting.rb:2:in `space_out_letters': undefined method `split' for 1:Integer (NoMethodError)from greeting.rb:6:in `greet' from greeting.rb:10:in `decorate_greeting'from greeting.rb:14:in `<main>'

The first example works as expected, the latter causes an exception. Ordinarily this should pass the execution flow through as following:

main -> decorate_greeting -> greet -> space_out_letters (passes result back) -> greet -> decorate_greeting -> main

Looking at the stack trace, you can see this happening: on line 14 (the beginning of the chain where the error originated) the decorate_greeting method is called. It then identifies line 10, where the greet method is called by decorate_greeting, and then line 6 where greet calls space_out_letters. Because the split method expects a string, we get an error, along with a trace of the calls that lead up to that error. In a small script this is less useful, but in a larger codebase, being able to trace the execution flow is a very useful way to drill down to the source of the error.

Method Definition Order

Take a look at this code:

def top bottomenddef bottom puts "Reached the bottom"endtop

Note that top is trying to call the bottom method, but bottom isn't yet defined on line 2. Will this code work? Think about it for a moment and try to figure out what will happen and why. Once you've got your answer, go ahead and run the code.

What happened? The code ran just fine! It printed Reached the bottom. How does that work?

The answer lies in how Ruby executes def statements. When Ruby encounters a def statement, it merely reads the method definition into memory and saves it away to be executed later. The body of the method isn't executed until we actually call the method. In this code, that happens twice -- when the definition of top is encountered and again when the definition of bottom is encountered. By the time we try to invoke top on line 9, Ruby knows precisely what top and bottom are (methods), and what code they contain. Thus, when top tries to invoke bottom, all Ruby has to do is look up the definition of bottom, then invoke it if found. That means the code runs correctly even though bottom was defined after top was.

What do you think will happen if we call top before defining the method?

topdef top bottomenddef bottom puts "Reached the bottom"end

Oops. That doesn't work. It fails with an undefined local variable or method error. The reason it doesn't work is that we're actually trying to invoke top on line 1, not just loading some code into memory. Since Ruby hasn't loaded the top and bottom methods into memory yet, it has no idea what top is, so it gives up.

These kinds of issues arise when you start writing slightly longer programs with multiple methods. A lot of new developers stress over the order in which they define their methods, worried that the Ruby won't be able to find them when the program runs. In practice, you don't have to worry about it. The only rule of thumb is that you should define all your methods before you try to invoke the first one. This is why Rubyists almost always put the main program code at the bottom of the program after all methods have been declared.


The information in this chapter is not on the critical path to learning Ruby, but you will definitely run into these issues and it's better to have some exposure and familiarity now than to spend hours in confusion later on. Experiment with these exercises and watch your understanding deepen.

Ruby tutorial - Regex, Ruby Standard Classes, Blocks and Procs and more (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.