Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

A Indiana, Chronicle 15, ANNOUNCEMENTS: AUTOMOBILES EMPLOYMENT 4.. COLUMN FARMERS' COLUMN MERCHANDISE RED MEN. OPEN SESSION TODAY Indianapolis, Oct. 15-L- (INS)J. Otto Barker, of Greenshurg, presided over the Great Council of Indianapolis, Improved Order of Red Men, which opened its annual convention in Indianapolis today.

of More them veterans of War II, than 1,000 persons, many 'present for the convention at which Americanism and membership expansion will be the leading topics. Barker is 'great sachem of the order; great senior sagamores, Ivan Pha Edleman, Anderson, Craggs, of Indianapolis, of Indian- prophet; apolis, great keeper of wampum. Oscar Sherman. and Edward C. Harding of InThe dianapolis, three great.

candidates chief of for records. great! junior sagamore are A. N. Calvert, Hilton. of of Bloomington, and Noble Armes, of Decatur: Emerson Greenwood.

Wilbur A. Heckel. of New Albany, is "unopposed for the great candidates keeper of wampum. and for great Glen Waggoneror, of Seymour, and Walter The national program will be Smith. of Rushyille.

discussed by E. C. Wilcox. of Dayton. 0..

A past great incohonee (national head). who. will represent W. L. Bertler.

of Norfolk, Va. present great icohonee. K. of C. Plans Dance Saturday Plans for dance which will he held Saturday at p.m..

were completed Monday at the regular meeting of the Knights of Colum-! bus at the K. of C. hall. F. X.

Gartland, grand knight. announced today. The dance will be held at the K. of C. home with the "Melody Boys" of Kokomo providing music.

The following chairmen of were named at the meeting by the grand kright: J. council activities; Charles Fowler, Catholic activities: Joseph Murphy. membership activities: James: Weigand. publicity! and Ralph Biddle. fraternal activities.

Next regular meeting of the organization will beheld Monday at 8 p. at the K. of C. home. Tobin Thinks AFL Lacks Authority to End Scraps Chicago.

Oct. 15-(P)-Daniel J. Tobin. head of the powerful Teamsters Union. said today or the American Federation of Labor lacks any authority to settle jurisdictional scraps and strikes among AFL member unions.

Tobin said in an interview the only way such disputes can be ironed out is for the "parties to get together on their own reach a mutual agreement with. 8 fairness and intelligence." The seventy-one-year-old president of the AFL's largest unionthe Teamsters claim 866.820 members--predicted the federation's convention here will adopt a resolution submitted in an effort to solve the Hollywood film colony's jurisdictional fights. GOVERNOR TO ANSWER COMPLAINT OF JUDGE Indianapolis, Oct. 15-(P)-Gov. Ralph F.

Gates said today he would answer complaints by Lafayette City Judge Theodore J. I Smith that "orzanized gambling" exists in. Lafayette after making further study of the situation. The governor conferred Monday with State Police Superintendent Austin R. Killian after receiving a the second Lafayette letter from judge Smith charged in which gambling and prostitution are organized in Lafayette.

Killian said he spent Monday in Lafayette and was unable to find evidence supporting Judge Smith's charges. PAY DRIVING FINE. Pleading guilty to 8 charge of reckless driving. -Robert Hawkins.1 twenty-two, 4503 South Harmon street, today WaS fined $1 and caste at arraignment court before Mayor Edward Wert. Pathrolmen Donald Beck and Cleo Beck arrested Hawkins at 8:30 p.

Monday at Second and Washington streets. They said he passed street car on the wrong side of the street. PAYS FINE Fine of $1 and costs was paid by Ralph Miller, twenty. R. R.

6, Marion, after he pleaded guilty to charge of disorderly conduct in eity court today. He was arraigned before Mayor Edward Wert after his arrest by Sheriffs F. G. McCracken and Owen Reppert. PAYS PARKING FINE Arraigned before Justice of the Peace J.

Walter Boyer, Fred Gordon, Fairmount, today pleaded guil. ty to a charge of parking in a restricted area at Fairmount. He was fined $1 and costs. Affidavit against Gordon was filed by Marshal Doren Smith. HEADS ASSOCIATION Chicago, Oct.

15-(P)-Franklin D. Schurz, business manager of the South Bend, Tribune was elected president of the Inland Daily Press Association at the sixty- second annual convention here Monday. 4 DRAWS TERM Columbus, Ohio. Oct. Federal Judge Mell G.

Underwood Monday sentenced Ruth E. Nesse, forty-three, of Muncie, to 30 months in prison on a charge. of unlawful possession of morphine. TRANSFER Joseph F. Collina, two, Marion, today transferred to 'Cincinnati, 0., where he will be arraigned on a charge of forgery.

Arrested Saturday night on charge of intoxication, Collins told 'officials here he was wanted at the Ohio city for the more ser. Lous count. The WEATHER -Fair and mild today, and Wednesday except "turning colder in extreme portion. Wed ILLINOIS-Fair and Mild today 'and. tonight: Wednesday partly colder in northwest and extreme north portions.

LOWER MICHIGAN-Fair and somewhat warner today' and tonight: Wednesday, considerable cloudiness in. north and west portions, MARRIAGE LICENSES James A. Brewer, 1920. Summitville. veterinarian: Phyllis Joan Elliott.

1925,. Fairmount Leo G. Simko, 1904. Bridgeport, tool designer: Mary EmLamourreux. Marion, Thomas D.

Hallett. 1897. Indianapolis. real estate dealer: Doris Hallett. 1911, Indianapolis.

Charles Sells. 1924. Greentown; factory worker; Ella Smith, 1924, Marion: Richard Bridenthal. 1922. Converse, factory: Norma Fansler, 1927,1 Converse.

Robert C. Martin, 1921, Logansport. farmer: Carrie O. Miller, 1924, Marion. DEATH RETURNS LENFESTY -Earl A III, 615.

E. 37th St. Milford. ANNOUNCEMENTS Card of Thanks TO -Each and' everyone who sisted us in any way during the illness and death of my wife and our sister. we wish to extend -our sincere thanks.

We deeply appreciate the "beautiful floral offerings. the kind words of Rev. I H. J. Reamy.

the songs by Miss Margaret Miller. the service of the pallbearers and the kindness of Parrill Lewis Funeral home. Mr. James Creamer. Mr.

and Mrs. D. family, Mr. J. G.

In "Memoriam IN--Memory of Raymond" E. Alwho died- 4 rears azo todav. Oct. 15, 1342. He is at home on the beautiful hills of God.

By the Valley of rest so fair. And silently sinks the Western Sun. With joy we shall meet him there. Sadly missed by his wife Florence and his children. his father W'm.

Albright. Brothers and Sisters. -1. Funeral Directors OWEN MORTUARY 2723 So. Washington Phone 1877 MILFORD FUNERAL HOME Sincere Service and Fair Price's 710 W.

3rd St. Phone 1815-W SHAWLEY FUNERAL HOME 2901 Phone 120. ESTABLISHED 1891 "The Home for Services" RAVEN FUNERAL HOME 911 So. Wash. St.

Phone 1480 DIGGS FUNERAL SERVICE. Inc. 504 W. Third St. Phone 169 DEPENDABILITY NEEDHAM SON In Our New Funeral Home 814 So.

Adams St. Phone 1552-W Monuments and Cemetery Lots 6 LOTS 292. 294 section Grant Memorial Park. $175. Ph.

4672-J. Personal CHICKEN DUMPLINGS Thursday and Saturday Noon I Chicken Fried. Wed. Sat. Eve.

BOB WILSON'S Opp. P. O. FOAM -Cleans your rugs and upholstery. The new Fina Foam requires no rinsing.

Grooms Drug Store. RELIABLE- Lady will keep baby rights -in exchange' for room. Write Chronicle Box 546. NOTiCE: Will open November 7th at 7. SWAYZEE AUCTION CO.

m. next door to Post Office. Swayzee. Ind. Anything vou have to sell.

phone 17F2 Book -vour listing early so we can make special advertising before sale day. Call. for EVERETT PENROD. Auctioneer Phone Swayzee 17F2 100 Different kinds Halloween costumes for rent. Phone 506 East Swayzee St.

RUMMAGE -Sale. Wednesday 9 A. 3002 So. Branson, of. Hearing" Friday 9.

to 5. Sat 9 to 9. 510 Marion Natl. Bank. Ph.

5270-W. Quick Quality Shoe Repairing Free pick-up and delivery STAR SHOE SHOP 324 So. Boots Phone 5288 Move Moving Yourself- Soon -Save See Us! HalfMAC'S U-DRIVE-IT CO. 6th Adams S.F.. Cor.

Ph. 4510-W BEGINS TERM Michizan City, Oct. 15- (INS) Marion Karas, twentyseven, of Michigan City, today becan serving two concurrent life sentences in the Indiana state prison for the murder last July 16 of Dayda Lisak, of Michigan City. KILLED BY CAR Richmond. Oct.

15 Mra, Ora Johnson, thirty-four, was killed here early today when an automobile. in which she WAS rid. ing' overturned street intersec. tion. thirty Police held Fred H.

Votaw, -four of car, on the charge of leaving the, scene of an accident. SUITS FILED CIRCUIT COURT Hazel Cary vs. Orville, R. Cook. Petition for guardian.

E. C. Hays. Everett Hampton. guardian et al Roy Sot deed.

Herman and Dempsey. Gloria 'M. Colbert Robert F. Colbert. Divorce: SUPERIOR COURT Edward McPherson vs.

Florence McPberson. Divorce. C. L. Garrison.

Personal TURTLE SOUP Thurs. Fri. Sat. Beer Wines Liquors. WAYMIRE'S.

1015 S. Wash. CITY CAB Taxi Service In -19 Phone 704 GOOD BARGAINS--Men Women's Clothing; Household 'articles; electric ironer: childrens clothes, and .38. 'toys, 811 man's Spenver tuxedo Ave. (Rear), All day Wednesday.

WANTED- Riders of ride to Anderson; 3 to 11 p. m. Ph. 1698-R. NOTICE -I will not responsible for any debts contracted by anyone' other than myself on and after this date.

October 15, Signed: Charles R. Gipson. HAND Made: Shell. Jewelry, brooches. ear rings.

artistically designed, colors. to costumes; also perfumed flower beads from California, 18 colors. Colors and odors last. Emma Highley, 316 W. 6th Phone 3346.

Lost, Strayed or Stolen 10 LOST- -Ladies gold wrist watch. black strap. Phone 3357. 807 W. 14th.

Reward. LOST- Billfold. will identify; generous reward. Phone' Gas City' 82861. LOST- -Between Marion and Upland.

Trailer license No. 37798. H. Baker, Upland, R. 1.

bill. Friday. Phone 4155-M or 4054 LOST -Or strayed Friday night, black 'and white punny. name Daisy, child's pet. please return: Phone 4411-R or 1312 S.

Gallatin. Reward. LOST Black plastic purse between town and Chicken Reward. Return Chronicle Office PARTY -Who took Red. co*cker puppy.

Saturday near and George; return to -avoid prosecution. LOST -Or stolen from Spencer Hotel. medium size dark brown canvas covered suit case, $101 Reward for information. Ph. 548.

LOST-2-in: well pipe near Matthews. Phone 3512-R4 Automobiles for Sale 11 Highest Cash Price Available forYour Used Car 01 Equity DON MARSHALL AUTO SALES 38th Adams Phone 1934-Oldsmobile Coach. 4119 -So. Wigger St. 1929 Oldsmobile.

Extra clean 3212 S. Washington. ABOUT 212 barrels automobile oil. WANTED- Used cars, any make. Are model.

SMALL 35th. Washington Phone 452 CASH FOR USED CAR OR HOLLINGSWORTH MOTORS 907 So. Washington St. WE BUY Used Wrecked Cars for Parts ATKINS 1001 E. 38th St.

Auto Trucks for Sale 121 ton chassis truck. good tires, A-1 mechanically. Fairmount Red 37-W. 1944-112 ton Ford truck. 1937-International truck.

14 ton. Phone 103. La Fontaine, afternoons. 1941 -Chevrolet 112-ton truck, Tandem. Reasonable.

GRUBB MOTOR SALES NEW -Factory-made 12-ft. staketype bed for truck. S. E. cor.

6th Adams or Ph. 4510-W. 1941 Chrevolet 112-ton truck, tamden. Reasonable. GRUBB MOTOR SALES WANTED Pickup truck.

Phone 1344. C. J. Nash. Marion Bicicle Co.

111 W. 1st. 1931 Ford 112-ton long wheel stock rack. good condition. $300.

Phone 4967. Auto, Trucks. For Hire 124 NOW -You may rent a late model car, truck or trailer quickly and ecoromically at 6th Adams S.E.Cor. Ph. 4510.W MAC'S CO: Auto Accessories.

Tires. Parts 13 1936-Ford Motor. Bastians Gar-! age. E. Main Gas City.

3 Used truck- tires and 2905 Home Ave. AJAX ANTI FREEZE gal. PREP ANTI FREEZE 5 Gal. gal. B.

F. GOODRICH STORE 419 S. Adams St. Phone 2004 HUB CAPS For All Makes Of Cars SPENCER SALVAGE SERVICE Phone 4309-W On By- -Pass BRAKES ADJUSTED Any Make, Archer Motor Sales, 6th Adams ONE Smith lifetime acetylene welding cutting torch with cart complete; 1 nearly new fast battery charges. PETE'S MOTOR SERVICE 1702 So.

Adams Repairing -Servire Stations 16 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Magnetos--Starters--Generators And All Electric Work Motor 'Tune- Up with Modern Sun Equipment "Marion's Highest Trader" DRAPER. AUTO SALES 517 So. Wash. Phone 739 A -Paint job by Marion's chief rebuilders and refinishers will give your car that sleek, new. show room beauty and appear.

ance. for free eatimate. THE BODY SHOP J. D. (Jim) Roth Ralph (Mac) 317 W.

11th Phone Have Your Radiator Cleaned And horked NOW For Winter PETE'S MOTOR SERVICE 17th Adams Phone 1511 BRING US YOUR TROUBLES Our, mechanics do all types. repair work on any model car. ALSO -painting and metal work. AMERICAN GARAGE Your Authorized Chrysler and Plymouth Dealer 312 W. 2nd 1.

Phone 10.34 Expert Body and Fender Work Repairing and' Factory Paint Jobs Expert Mechanics KILEY SALES, Inc. I Boots and Spencer Phone 646 1. Repairing -Service Stations 16 GOOD 'MECHANICAL SERVICE On All Makes Cars and Trucks We Use Genuine Factory PartsQuick Service CENTRAL CHEVROLET, Inc. 221 2nd St. hone 1081 HERB JIN AUTO SERVICE Specialists in Ford and Chrysler products.

Sand Pike and '21. "Phone 5050 HAVE YOUR CAR WASHED and Lubricated atGEO. RAMP' MOTOR SALES 1007 So. Washington Ph. 653 EXPERT Body and Mechanical Service on All Makes Cars: J.

MATTHEWS. Inc. 318 W. 3rd Buick Service-Parts-Accessories BODY -and fender work, complete paint service. Harry R.

Floyd. PFEIFFERS GARAGE .1316 No. Meridian Ph. 2509 We Specialize in Rebuilt Wrecks Body Work and Painting COPPOCK'S TRUCK STOP 12th and By-Pass Phone 6050 Brake Relining- Wheel Balancing For Cars and Trucks GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 206 W. 4th St.

"Phone 734 Body and -Fenders Straightened and. Refinished Complete Paint Jobs Let us. clean and "Liquid Glaze" your car with the finest finish. restorer made. GLENN A.

SCOTT 307 E. Third St. 84. Years in Same Location WE- Can Paint Your Car. Match Factory Colors, Overhaul Your Motor.

HIPP'S MOTORS. Inc. Ford Sales Service: 3rd Neb. EXPERT -Mechanical service on all makes of cars. rebuild: wrecked automobiles, match factory colors.

MOTOR SALES Wash. Sts. Phone 105 BRAKES ADJUSTED Make Car Archer Motor Sales 6th Adams -LET KLAUS -Experts Rebuild Your Wrecked Cars KLAUS AUTO SERVICE 305 W. Second Phone 2788 BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered 18 REFRIGERATORS We are factory designated service station for G. Westinghouse and Crosley Maytag.

American Beauty. Easy and. Speed A Prompt Service. Reasonable. BROYLES ELECTRIC CO.

MOTOR SHOVEL EXCAVATING BAsem*nTS--WATER LINES SEWER TRENCHES- -ETC. LAWN GRADING Fill in 'dirt and top soil for sale A. W. CROSSMAN 419 W. 6th Phone 248 GENERAL Hauling with dump truck.

H. Hughes. Phone 3343-W WANTED- Basem*nt digging. slin SCOOD and bulldozing. Phone 373-R Sweetser.

Blue Printing -Ozalid Prints MARION BUSINESS SERVICE 10712 F. Third Phone 73 DELIVER ANYWHERE Cinders, Crush. Stone. Phone 4645 Marion or Van Buren 57. EXPERIENCED Man wants rug.

upholstery cleaning. Ph. LIGHT HAULING -In or our of town. Phone 1 1314. WANTED PAPER HANGING Phone 1193 GENERAL Contracting tile line.

water line. septic tanks; general hauling. Phone 1751-W. WILL--Haul ashes and trash; dig basem*nts. Phone 831.

SEPTIC Tanks and outside toilets cleared. Drop a card. R. R. No.

-1 square east of by-pass on 33rd. Harry. Bovie. HAULING- Cinders. fill dirt and gravel, dump truck work.

Phone 6029. SEWING MACHINE Repair any make, factory trained. 318 So. Boots Marion Ph. 3197 EXPERT- Floor Sanding.

Call 4749 for estimate. CARSON SONS BULLDOZING EXCAVATING Phone 2367 700 North Boots FLOOR SANDING Finishing. and I refinishing. Phone 5178. SEE US--For upholstering.

ma-. terials as we have just received a large and unusual selection of patterns. Prices are reasonable. Call us for free estimate. BROWN-TRUEBLOOD, INC.

COMPLETE Vacuum cleaner parts and repair service. EMMONS 3101 So. Wash. St. Phone 801 SWEEPER BROKE? Call KARNES SWEEPER CO.

38th Wash. Phone 1772 ASHES AND TRASH HAULED Phor.e 6029 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING Anv Make Parts for All. TREVOR LUTZ Phone 2767 MAYTAG' PARTS AND SERVICE For all makes of washers Only Maytag Dealer in Marion BARNETTE APPLIANCE CO. 111 S. Wash.

Phone 3444 Heating. Plumbing, Roofing 22 ROOF LEAK? tire Genuine Ruberoid Roofing 3 years to. pay. 'Free estimate. STATE ROOFING CO.

Phone 108 Insurance and Surety Bonds 23 BROKERS INSCRANCE Over li Phone 500. Laundering 24 IRONINGS WANTED 1407 Marion Ave. WIDOW LADY -Wants Washings. 4216 S. Poplar.

WASHINGS AND IRONINGS Phone 1473-W Typewriters and Supplies 27A ALL MAKE Typewriters. Adding machines service. Supplies. Central Typewriter Supply Co. 124 E.

5th Phone 136 6 Help Wanted -Female WANTED STOCK GIRL THE PARIS, to make home. with family and. help care 2 children Chronicle Box 542 WAITRESS WANTED Apply at THOMPSON'S CAFETERIA WANTED Lady to care for small boy evenings. Ph. 4542-J.



WANTED Experienced manager and 2 salesladies for dress shop, attractive salary and commisTHE COTTON SHOP. Apply: 409 So. Wash. NIGHT 'WAITRESS, AT ONCE RED CAFE 225 E. Fourth St.

WANTED Girl day 1693. WANTED -Girl after and Saturday to care for children and help with house work. Phone 2695-W. WANTED-Saleslady. also fountain.

waitresses, full or part time or suit your convenience, pleasant working conditions. S. KRESGE CO. South Side Square WANTED Middle age lady to care for two children, one school age. 1710 S.

Branson. Ph. 451-M WELL Established insurance company desires woman 18 to 50 for extensive survey program. salary plus commission. Chronicle 547.

EXPERIENCED -Beauty tor: 512 days, week; guaranteed "HARTSON BEAUTY SHOP YOUNG Lady. typist -with some bookkeeping experience. pleasant working conditions. See Mr. Detamore AMERICAN SECURITY WOMAN--That wants permanent home in country for house.

work and care of child. Will consider. woman with one child. wages $1.00 'a day. Ph.

4399-R. GIRL For general office work. Apply 101 So. Washington. Help Wanted- -Male 33 WANTED Warehouse help.

Would like to have man who can: occasionally drive truck. Apply in person to McMAHON LIEB CO. WANTED Man to dig footing for basem*nt. Phone 2147-J. WANTED -Man with large truck to heln wreck house: share materials.

922 So. Gallatin.TRUCK DRIVER- Wanted. lumher experience valuable but not necessary. CUSTER LUMBER CO. INTERNATIONAL ence schools want representa.tive.

Permanent connection with guaranteed income. Write P. O. Box 385 Marion for an interview. EXPERIENCED Farm hand.

Married. Good proposition to right man. Give reference. Write Chronicle Box 537. WANTED Man for Janitor work, steady employment.

Apply MODERN LAUNDRY CO. EXPERIENCED -Farm hand to manage. large, -stock -farm near Marion: salary or thirds. Give references. Write Chronicle Box 532.

MAN FOR DAYTIME JANITOR WORK. WORK. LONG'S CLEANERS 405 HENDERSON AVE. MAN- -Wanted with agricultural background and some poultry experience. must have good per-! Special training program for G.

I. Grant Co. Farm Co-op. A EXPERIENCED MAN FOR. MAINTENANCE WORK Steady position, good pay.

Long's Cleaners 405 Henderson WANTED Kettle man for built up roofing, also one helper. CURRAN ROOFING CO. 609 So. Wash. St.

WANTED. DRIVER FOR GROCERY TRUCK PHONE 330 or 2077 Help- Male and Female 34 WANTED Night cook, good wages. good working conditions, 5 P. M. to 1 A.

M. Inquire Manager Bachelor Cafe. Situations Wanted- -Female 36 WANTED Housework in mod. home for gentleman. Write Chronicle Box 539.

FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 BARBER SHOP -and building for lease or sale; in small nearby town. Phone 1178-J. NOTICE G. I's A A Business! in Or Anyone, Who Can Qualify! Marion! Fully equipped Shop for ELECTRIC WELDING $10,000 cash business! Can he doubled! Low operating expenser. Big Profits, Poor health demands change of, climate, Can help you finance- if necessary C.

L. CARTER AGENCY A. R. Hutchinson W. K.

Bothwell Over Newborry's Phone 2100 FARMERS' COLUMN Doga, Cats, Other Pets FOX. HOUND -For sale. 17 months old. 'Started. Marvin Uphaas, Converse, Ind.

Cats, Other Pets 3-Collie puppies 5 months" old and one bitch. 2118 W. 10th St. Livestock 48 POLAND CHINA -Roars; registered milking Shorthorn: bull and heifers. HERMAN HIGHLEY.

Swayzee 'WARD 'WEEK SPECIALS Wards Grainbuster Hammermill, all steel. "Reg. $107.85 Spec. Wards Grainbuster Hammermill, all steel Reg. $124.85 Spec.

$116.50 Hi-Speed Farm Wagon on 16" wheels Spec. $122.00 Hi-Speed' Farm Wagon on 16" tires, 4 ply Spec. $199.00 WARDS FARM STORE WANTED-80. to 200 acre farm, have equipment, Write Chronicle Box 548. WANTED- -Baling and Combining Glen.

Lynch, 5 mi. SE Jonesboro 7 YEAR OLD Roan Mare, 1 work harness, $55.00. Glen Lynch, 5 mi. SE Jonesboro. POULTRY- midds, Dairy mineral and hog and feeds.

stock tonics, electric heated poultry STORE Phone 3385 ON -Account of shortage of pasture will sell 5 head dairy cows: good 6 year saddle mare, cheap. A. B. Crouch, 1st road E. Puckett.

1 mile So. Phone' 4200. SORREL Horse, 6 yrs. old. across from Crosley drive on by-pass.

ONE Horse-drawn wagon, A-1. Will buy horse-drawn manure spreader. Phone 3514-2 evenings. FOR SALE -Poland China Male Hogs. Scott Henry, Phone 3521-3 Now is the time to kill those rate.

Cowley's rat poison easy to use. For Sale THOMAS MILLING CO. HAMP BOARS -For better hogs. Sutton, miles Banquo. WILL BUY 300 feeding, hogs.

Otto Nelson. Phone 2320-W. ELECTRIC-Water -pumps, deep and shallow well; sump pumps, milk coolers all sizes. "DAVIDSON'S N. W.

cor. 2nd Wash. Phone 1896 WANTED -DEAD OR DISABLED We Pay Charges Removed Promptly- -Phone 2033 FREE POST MORTEM Marion, Indiana GOLDREICH FERTILIZER FARM WEIGHT ARTICS Most kinds, shapes and sizes of rubber foot wear from rubbers to 5 buckles to hip boots. BRUNT'S South Marion ATTENTION FARMERS! ITE ARE RECEIVING SHIPMENT OF 4 WHEEL MANURE SPREADERS WITH NEW TIRES. GIVE US YOUR ORDER NOW.

SEARS FARM STORE WANTED -Old or disabled horses. Phone 3657-3. Farming Implements. A FORDSON Tractor and plow's; Volt Delco plant, complete with radio, electric iron 3 motors! 112 miles 'east pike. Charles Guerin.

WARD WEEK SPECIAL E-7 Ride Hydraulic Tractor Seats $29.95 fit IHC. F-20. F-30. John Deere A B. Allis Chalmers WC.

Ford Ferguson. Case E. C. All steel Hog Feeders, 10 door, 16 ga. Reg.

$48.50 Spec. $38.88 Wards New Rotary Scoop, 4 cu. capacity Rex. $96.45 Wards Two Single Unit Pipeline Milker, Alum. pails Reg.

$218.00 Spec. $199.95 WARDS FARM STORE NOW AVAILABLE ALL SIZE HAMMERMILLS MARION FARM EQUIPMENT 214 E. 2nd Phone 4555 USED--International corn picker; all metal manure spreader: extra disc. 1 sizes HERMAN HIGHLEY. Swayzee ATTENTION! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF RUBBER.


Adams Phone 895 HIGH SPEED Farm Wagons. complete with new tires. DICKEN REFRIGERATOR CO. 519 N. Wash.

Ph. 2708 494 NEW- -Pioneer power lawn mower and regular lawn mower on ruhber; Myers electric hot water heater for dairy: Horn manure loaders: Tokheim tractor cabs for all makes tractors: 10A hammermill; Stiglitz warm air stoves; steel and wood gates, all SiZOR, from $8,50 up. HERMAN HIGHLEY, Swayzee: A H'! JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT OF 7 FT. WIRE. -1x2 IN.

MESH. IDEAL FOR CORN CRIBS. SEE US NOW SEARS FARM STORE 50 Head White Rock pullets, ready to miles ris Chapel. Don C. Wilson: Poultry and Supplies 49 TIMER.

SWITCHES Will pay for themselves. Self Starting, Regular Lighting, with Dimming Circuit, Guaranterd 1 yr. Install one now for more PEER. BABY CHICKS EACH. WERK.

THOMAS MLG. CO. HATCHERY Poultry and Phone 2214. 8x10-Brooder house on WORM Your pullets and hens with Gizzard Capsules for all 03 "kinds of worms. OVIE'S HATCHERY No.

of P.O, MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 51 INDIAN -Hot blast 16" stove, phone 4318-W. QUINCES--For jelly, also 2 2 1 10-ft. Evergreen 426 N. Boots. REMINGTON.

Repeating shot gum reconditioned at. factory, 12- gauge. I Phone 861. Upland. 1 MAKE YOUR OWN CONCRETE BLOCKS Concrete block and tile mold.

Only $9.50, Sears Builders Supply In SEARS FARM STORE WHITE--Kitchen cabinet, porcelain top; white breakfast set, extension, both A-1. W. 5th. BROODER HOUSE 10x12, bought new last month, used for temporary service station, sell now $150. 2nd Branson, Phone 2841.

HOUSE TRAILER. $850. 1735 E. 38th St. DINING ROOM -Suite, good condition, cheap.

Phone 2408-J. TAN -Coat size 18; bassinette; co*cktail table. 1227. S. 'Adams.

ARVIN-Car hot water. heater. 2516 S. Washington. GLOBE Blast stove.

size 18. Phone 8-PC -Solid walnut dining room suite. Excellent condition. 1217 South Tar. LARGE Parlor furnace.

good stove, like new, priced reasonable. Brown Hatchery, GOOD Used heating stove, 8 windows, some good used lumber. Phone 6033. 847 N. Washington.

CONSOLIDATED STOKERS service. In: quire about our GRANT 'COUNTY COAL 1-42-in. cabinet sink: 30-in. base cabinet; 30-in. wall cabinet: 21- in.

wall cabinet; 2 11x30 corner shelves. White, 2nd house East Five Points. Phone 3670-1. HEATING STOVES Coal ranges; base burners: laundry stoves; stove pipes. elbows.

Open all hours. 630, E. 19th St. Bathroom Heaters $6.95 up Heating Pads $3.95 up Medicine Cabinets $3.95 up MARION APPLIANCE CO. 315 So.

Boots Phone 4456 "Swing Away" Wall Type Can Openers CHARLES BESHORE CO. USED MOTOR BIKES Good Used Bicycles MARION BICYCLE CO. 1.11 W. First St. Phone 1344 RADIO TUBES- Lloyd V.

Smith, 4524 S. Wigger. Phone 3270-M. Complete line of Aluminum And Enamel Cooking Utensils N.W. cor.

2nd Wash. Phone 1896 54 IN. Apron sink. left drain board. Phone 3231-M.

FLORENCE-Hot Blast heating stove. 913 E. 28th. Phone 4200. UPRIGHT Piano: Phonograph, makes and plays records.

Fireside Heatrola. 4119 S. Wigger "St. 1946 Whitley House Trailer, sleeps Four. 701 North.

Wash. I OUTSIDE- White paint. guaranteed. Earl Underwood. R.

R. 2. Fairmount. NEW- Whitley Housetrailer: also used trailers bought and sold. WABASILTRAILER SALES Manchester Wabash, Ind.

Phone 1131-W Clothes Driers Clothes Lines Clothes Baskets We Buy anything, sell everything. DAVIDSON'S N. W. cor. 2nd Wash.

Phone 1896 COOKING -Range, 6 hole, 15 gal, lon reserve, good. S.W. corner K. P. Building, Jonesboro.

BOYS- Bicycle for sale. 403 W. 7th St. THREE-Suits and one topcoat, size. 38, good "condition.

-Phone 886-J, after 6 P. M. WHITE OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT New shipment, white lead ground in linseed oil, guaranteed. single gallons, $4.65 ea. five gallon containers.

$22.50 ea. MARION HARDWARE CO. Phone 1566 1567 NATIONAL Cash register. McLain Super Market, Swayzer. VENETIAN Metal blind, 9 ft.

long, wide, reasonable. .1017 Euclid' Ave. SPECIALS Fire King Oven Glass Roasters $1.00 Hot Plates $3.95 Electric Toasters $5.10 Electric Irons $5.95 Electric Heaters $9.95 CALDWELL'S EXCHANGE 3115 So. Washington St. ELECTRIC MOTORS H.P.

1750 R.P.M. Single Phase 110 or 220 Volts A.C. Reversable $39.90 CA. MARION HARDWARE CO. Phones 1566 1667 GUITAR- Flexable shaft; heavy scooter wheels; posthole digger.

SWAP SHOP 3124 S. Wash. 10 FT. SHOW. CASE Roper range, power lawn mower, extension ladder, 3 step ladders, portable, paint wheel spray, trailer.

1201 elocBaldwin he Coppock Truck Stop. LEATHER Bound Address and Memorandum Books and Pocket Letter Holders. Central Press, 714 So. Adams Reclaimation and Salvage Repair-Ruying Selling 224 E. 24th Phone 5263 USED-14" and 18" cold air ducts and elbows.

518 Wabash Ave. STOVES STOVES STOVES Marion's Largest Stove Dealer PULLEY'S 417 Washington HUNTING COATS $9.95 to $12.95 HUNTING PANTS $6.95 I SCHRADERS 117 W. 3rd REGAL SCOOTER For sale. 817 W. 18th, Phone 4882.


Butler. KALAMAZOO Heating Stove, SUBSTANTIAL- Breakfast nook table. 2622 S. Boots St. IF Moths damage.

your rugs within 5-years, Berlou will repair or replace it without cost; to you. Buy Berlou today. Marion Hardware Co. ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE Heating Stoves--China Closets 'ACME FURN. 311 N.

Wash. NEW USED FURNITURE We do upholstering and custom work. 1216 Delphi MARTS Ph. 2910 120 BASS- -Rosatia Accordian, excellent condition; aviators winter flying suit; also one summer, both new. Ph.

5153. CASTING RODS Makes ideal Christmas gifts. We now have, a fine selection of national rods, priced from $9.95 Use our layaway plan. SUPERIOR TIRE CO. 504 So.

Washington PLUMBING SUPPLIES All Bath Room and Kitchen Fixtures that are available, Also Tools, Fittings and Faucets BRYANT'S Opp. Post Office NEW- -Kitchen cabinet; white oak, porcelain top. Phone 7028-M. SPECIALS Electric room heaters $8.95 2-Hole Oil 'Heaters $24.50 Sealy Mattress $40.75 Hollywood beds with innerspring mattresses $92.50 Bunk Beds $39.50 Metal Cot and Mattress Electric Sweeper $59.25 Chest $14.95 GLOBE MERCANTILE CO. 217 Fifth St.

Phone 4450- JUST RECEIVED -Beautiful Unusual- PlaquesROSENTHAL'S 320 S. Boots NEW ELECTRIC SWEEPERS Phone. 3170 -Immediate Delivery M. W. Heavilin 3740 S.

Neb. 10-FT. SHOW CASE Roper range, power lawn mower. extension ladder. 3 stepladders, portable paint spray.

electric drill. 2 wheel trailer. 1201 Bald-, win Ave. COPPOCK'S TRUCK STOP Barter and Exchange 51A Water Softeners Rented Services 112 E. Sixth Phone 4047 Culligan Soft Water Service Business and Office Equipment 54 PENCIL SHARPENERS Limited Central Press, 716 So.

Adams Good Things to Eat 57 CIDER--And Pears. 1 mile W. Michaelsville, 1st house south. Phone 3529-3. FANCY YOUNG TURKEYS Fresh dressed on order Ph.

2492 or 3682-3 F. Martz WINTER APPLES Bring Containers. Cider on Sat. and Sun. EARL HAINLEN ORCHARD Phone, Converse 71F31-11 miles west on 9th St.

EVERGREENS Hardy Mums, Apples, Cider, Potatoes. REPLOGLE'S 2007 W. 2nd I WINTER 4 Cider Sat. and Sun. HAINLEN ORCHARD 1 Mi.

W. and Mi. S. Converse, Musical Merchandise 6 ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPHS Small Radios BUTLER MUSIC CO. USED STUDENTS PIANO $65 and.

MARION MUSIC CO. Specials at the Stores 64 MARGARET -Toilet Articles for the Miss: Billfold. Marion Typewriter Service GIFT SHOP Opp. P. O.

BEAUTIFUL Recessed medicine cabinets, $7.50 up. HOWARD SWANGER CO. 907 W. Third St. Phone 894 LIVING ROOM FURNITURE $129.50 to $325 Delphi Western Phone 4545 JUST RECEIVED New Celanese Ninon Tailored Curtains; Celanese Ninon Yardage; New Rayon Marquisette Ruffled Curtains; Now Hand Woven Wool Hooked Rugs; Drapery and Slip Cover Fabrics; New Cottage Sets; New Ready Made Slip Covers; New Colored Ruffled Curtains; New Rayon Marquisette Tailored Curtains; New Rayon Marquisette Yardage; New Paper Draperies; Dot Kitchen Curtain Material: New Nylon Marquisette Tailored Curtains; Now Plastic Curtain Material: New Window Shades; Ready Made Draperies: 9x12 Rug Pads: Metal Drapery Cranes: Metal Extension Curtain Rods: Pin-on Drapery Hooks.

The HOUSE OF STONE. INC. Cor. Third Boots Phone 3204 L1 PREPARE NOW COLD WEATHER COMING Replace All Broken Glass McATEE'S Phone 1387 4 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES: papers Complete for stock. photo of developing chemicals and finishing.

Limited supply of film. Large selection of exposure metors, Weston, General Electric and DeJur. HENDEY'S Photo Dept. 608 S. Wash.

LAMPS Splendid selection of 6 way floor lamps, bridge lamps match, table and desk lampa, pin up and dresser lamps, also lamp shades. MARION FURNITURE CO. 3108:107 So. Wash. Phone 4778 8 PC.

Walnut Dining Room Suite--Special $59.95 KELLEY'S EXCHANGE STORE 4:4 1. 1..

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.